One Year Post BC - Pics Included


Well-Known Member
I made one year on 12/12/11. I've enjoyed my journey but I feel like my hair should be longer. Oh well. Such is life. I'm still excited about being natural and I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for my hair.:yep:

Here are the pics.

Day of BC:

December 2010 and January 2011

I got it professionally trimmed and flatironed last Saturday:

I washed it on Christmas Eve and did a twistout. These are pics from today:

My signature go to style. This is from either Oct or Nov:

And that's all... Hopefully I'll get to show off some length this time next year. Thanks for looking.:look:
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Congratulations!!! You've had a great amount of growth in a year. You will have all over the place this time next year :)
Great progress! You and your hair are beautiful! I like the side-eye pic.

:lol::lol: I had to scroll back up to see what you were talking about.

lovely! your hair looks so touchable : P

:lol: Well, I have a hard time keeping my own hands out of it. I have serious hand in hair disease.

I love it. Your hair looks fabulous, and gives me inspiration for next year.

Yay. That was my goal. To inspire at least one person.

Thanks ladies for all the kind words. I'm glad you all mentioned the health of my hair. Although I do want length, health is definitely my primary concern.
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