ONE YEAR BC ANNIVERSARY!!! (ya'll know I got pics!)


New Member
So I am approaching my one year BC anniversary (June 27th woot woot!!) and I won’t have time to create a thread on my ACTUAL date…so I figure..a couple days early…why not?? First of all let me say that my hair has all but AMAZED me, when I first started this journey, I did not know what to expect or just how successful I would REALLY be. Initially, I did not share what my plans were; some people are the pits and very discouraging when there is a lack of understanding and I did not want to be under a mircoscope. Period. Dot. But I digress…

In making the decision to transition; I focused on the fact that I knew that I did not want to relax my hair any longer…I just did not do good by my hair in its relaxed state (lack of knowledge) and a difference was in order. I transitioned a lot shorter than I wanted to…in any case, going natural has been the best decision I’ve made with regard to my hair. I have yet to straigthen for the purposes of a length check, but in stretchinig to measure, I believe that I am almost at the longest length I (EVER) was while relaxed. If I am not RIGHT there, I am a couple inches (at most) from it.

I am presently protective styling; I would like to be grazing APL (in the grows in layers) by January 2011. I am in a half wig….LADIES…had I KNOWN what I know NOW!! I would have transitioned a lot longer than 6 months. Hear me now!! Half wigs have been my saving grace; there isn’t much to it and I baggy underneath when necessary. It is uber SIMPLE and I love it. And once again.. I digress..

Here is information on my hair (in case any one asks…or cares…who are we kidding; ya’ll ready for the pics...just scroll past all this to get to the good stuff…:lachen:)

Last Relaxer: November 14, 2008 (Full). Touched up edges sometime in December 2008 (I THINK)
Transitioned: Just shy of 6 months [(5 months 3 weeks 4 days..or 177 days, but who's counting?) I count from when I made the decision and braided my hair up on January 2nd]
Big Chop: June 27, 2009 (in the afternoon after a wash from a braid take down and the last section of my hair tangled REALLY badly)
Protective Styles: Braids, Sew-In w/Micros, Buns, Ponytails, Phony Pony's, Wigs (95% of the time)

Pre-Poo: Cheapie Condish (VO5, Suave, Aussie) mixed with Coconut Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil (heated)
Shampoo: Nourish Spa Shampoo
Conditioner: Nourish Spa Conditioner, Giovanni, Aussie
Co-Wash: Vo5 Moisture Milk, Nourish Spa Conditioner or whatever I have on hand
Deep Conditioner: ORS or Silk Elements (Protein) Tresemme Deep Quench (Moisture) **Want to replace this one
- All of the above are done on an as needed basis; but no less than once a week. I shampoo only once a month; **looking for a really good clarifying shampoo

Leave -In: One of the above conditioners mixed with Sweet Almond Oil
Moisturizer: QP Elasta Mango Butter or Hawaiian Silky 14in1
Gel: EcoStyle (FINALLY Learned how to use it)
Pomade: Black BeesWax (don’t judge
- Generally daily use (gel only on edges). I use lightly and if my hair starts feeling "heavy" I do a co-wash or a spot wash. **Recently purchased Unrefined Shea Butter to try

*tools (combs, brushes, etc): I have a rattail comb for parting if I don't use my fingers. I have a wide tooth comb for detangling. A soft bristle brush and tooth brush (for the slick downs). A pic for my fro, silk scarf and satin bonnet. Plastic clips, flexi-rods (generally for braids right now), bobby pins, head bands, panty hose...uhmmmm and some more stuff.

I’m going to take you all on the highlights of my journey…enjoy!!!

Dec 2008- Relaxed pics

July 2009- Protective Style (Braids)

June 27, 2009- BC

October 2009- 4 months strong!

November 2009- Protective Style (Braids)

February 2010- Protective Style (Braids)

March 2010- 9 months Natural

March 2010- Protective Style (Partial Weave)

April 2010-Protective Style (Partial Weave-Cut Shorter)

May 2010- 11 Montha Natural

June 2010- Protective Syle (Half-wig)

ONE YEAR NATURAL (Not taken today..but this is where my hair was last I checked)
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First off I love your Frohawk! Congrads on your transition and 2nd i'm drolling over that yellow dress with the pockets! :)
beautiful.. can't wait to be there too. umm what are you using on your edges.. please share. TIA
First off, you remind me of this gorgeous girl:


Great progress. Your hair looks great!! I love the 9month fro and your 11 month fro the best. Those protective styles are totally workin for you.

Congrats and HHG!!
beautiful.. can't wait to be there too. umm what are you using on your edges.. please share. TIA

Thank you much!! Looking at to pics like this let's me TRULY know just how far I have come and gives me hope going foward.

With regard to my edges:: I slick damp hair with EcoSyle with a soft bristle tooth brush (I change it out when I start to notice the bristles getting 'hard')...follow with a light coating of be exact it is Murrays Black Beeswax and then I tie down with a scarf and go about mine until it is time to head out. It took me a minute to figure out how well this works. The Beeswax wil build-up if you use it too much or too long without washing; I have yet to encounter that problem...HTH

Great Progress!!! I cant wait until my 1 year BC anniversary!!! Great inspiration!!!

oh yeah and that yellow dress is the ish!!! I want it! :)
you are absolutely gorgeous. your skin is very nice.

great progress, how did you do that style in your siggy?