One woman's reason for going natural

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One woman\'s reason for going natural

I just got off the phone with one of the nurses from my hospital. She works in the Pediatric Emergency room. Today a 14 month old baby came in vomitting blood. Naturally my friend asked the baby's mother the last thing the baby ate. The mother reluctantly admitted, (after much badgering by my friend) that her baby may have ingested hair relaxer. She didn't say how. I am guessing the mother left it around the house opened and maybe the baby stuck its fingers in the jar or something. Either way the baby is very sick and the mother said if her baby makes it through all right, she vows to never relax her hair again. (My first reaction was: So if the baby dies will she keep relaxing?) What do you all think of this?

(To Bev, Pebbles, Vevster and Nikos: I only posted this here because it is about relaxer. I am not sure if this would be considered off topic or not.)
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Wow, that is awful!!! I just hate to see kids suffering. It gets to me.

I don't know if going natural would really do much though. The baby could have ingested Tide or Mr. Clean and had the same problem. If the baby ate some Tide by mistake, would she stop washing her clothes? I know she probably feels guilty, but the relaxer wasn't the problem. The problem was that she was careless. You don't put anything that can poison your child at baby level. If you do, you have to get a kiddie proof lock to keep them out. Children are curious souls. They don't know any better, so it's up to us to keep them out of harms way.

Also, she acts like relaxing her hair is a sin or something. That's like me getting drunk, running over my own sister, and trying to bargin with God by saying "If you save her I'll never drink again". If I did that most people would understand. Hey, I'm all for going natural, but I don't think it will do much in this case.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

very well said! her problem is her carelessness. she needs to take a hard look at other things besides what she's doing to her hair. she has a child to think of. sad situation...

Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Exactly Brighteyes!

Honeyrockette, will you please keep us updated on the status of the baby. I am really sad now!

Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

I guess that is why we are advised to keep all cleaning products, medications, plastic bags and anything that could hurt a baby out of access. I sincerely believe that relaxing or not is a personal choice. It could have been even a household plant. Many of these are poisonous. (fatally so). Cigarettes ingested can kill. Safety awareness and child proofing seem to be the real issues. IMO. Sorry for the baby and its mom.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I know she probably feels guilty, but the relaxer wasn't the problem. The problem was that she was careless. You don't put anything that can poison your child at baby level. If you do, you have to get a kiddie proof lock to keep them out. Children are curious souls. They don't know any better, so it's up to us to keep them out of harms way.

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Very well said Brighteyes! Gotta agree with you on that one!
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Sounds like she is careless and if it wasn't the relaxer it would have been something else.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Sounds like she is careless and if it wasn't the relaxer it would have been something else.

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Ditto Sweetcocoa! I wouldn't be surprised if her carelessness has lead to other "accidents" with her child.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Hi HoneyRockette,

When I was in the hospital hoping my son would recover and come out of a coma and live as a result from falling from the top of a sliding board and landing on concrete in a park a relative had taken him to, I vowed a lot of stuff that in retrospect makes on sense. Like, never to let him out of my sight again...never to allow anyone to ever take him anywhere for any reason...never to allow him in a park without grass...and on and on. My feelings of guilt and fear had me playing "lets make a deal" with God and what I really was saying was, "Please let my son live!"

In the context, this mother may well be in the same place I was and if so is not really talking hair issues at all. Like everyone is saying, there are so many other things that can be in an environment that are not safe for children...including and above and beyond hair care products. So while her statement doesn't make sense in terms of remedy or prevention or choice of hair treatments, it is understandable in terms of what a mother may utter when her child's life is in the balance.

Saying a prayer for her and her baby.

Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

This is really sad.
I do agree with Brighteyes that stopping relaxing is not going to make a difference. I just think the person will be more careful next time and understand that kids get into everything.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

VERY well said BrightEyes... this mom is blaming a chemical for what happened to her child instead her own carlessness???!!! that's a shame....

Ditto for me HoneyRockette, on the status of that child. I'm hoping the child's OK....
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Well Said. I have taught my sone not to touch my hair care products and other dangerous household products. I would never leave a perm around anyway.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

I think wheter she relaxes or not, she should VOW, to take better care of leaving ANY chemical out where a child could get it.

I mean going natural is not gonna help anything if she leaves something else out. Right.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

I think this is sad and I hope the baby doesn't suffer and traumatic effects from it.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
HennaJoy said:
Hi HoneyRockette,

When I was in the hospital hoping my son would recover and come out of a coma and live as a result from falling from the top of a sliding board and landing on concrete in a park a relative had taken him to, I vowed a lot of stuff that in retrospect makes on sense. Like, never to let him out of my sight again...never to allow anyone to ever take him anywhere for any reason...never to allow him in a park without grass...and on and on. My feelings of guilt and fear had me playing "lets make a deal" with God and what I really was saying was, "Please let my son live!"

In the context, this mother may well be in the same place I was and if so is not really talking hair issues at all. Like everyone is saying, there are so many other things that can be in an environment that are not safe for children...including and above and beyond hair care products. So while her statement doesn't make sense in terms of remedy or prevention or choice of hair treatments, it is understandable in terms of what a mother may utter when her child's life is in the balance.

Saying a prayer for her and her baby.


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Well said HennaJoy. Showing concern about the health of the baby. Well Said...
I will be praying for her and the baby also.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Crysdon said:
I think this is sad and I hope the baby doesn't suffer and traumatic effects from it.

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me too
i hope that the poor baby will come out ok
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

It is a good idea to keep your vow not to let your child play in a park without grass again (at least not unless you are right behind/in front of/beside them).
I took my daughter to the playground, and there was a playset built on a rubberized surface that had just a little give. A sign on the playset warned that erecting it on concrete or (even!) packed dirt could result in serious injury or death if a child was to fall from it. The surface the playset was on, like I said, had very little give and was only minimally better than concrete, and certainly not any better than packed dirt.
Those sets should only be erected on grass, or a surface like sand or those woodchips.
Re: One woman\'s reason for going natural

Hey.. nice sig!!!!!! I bought that print through years ago and it's hanging in my bedroom...that's "laela" to me...