One thing that I love about my hair is...


New Member
Name one (or more)thing you like about your hair....

mine is that it changes from dark brown in winter to a light-medium sandy brown in the summer

....thinking of more
I love the way it gets all bushy and wavy when it's air drying. So I guess that would mean I love my texture, something I never thought I would say. I never realized how versatile my hair could be till I came here.
I'm Jealous!

One thing that I love about my hair is that is that I can do alot of differnt styles to it.
Well before I came to these boards, as with many of you all here,looking back I see how badly I ABUSED my hair..I have a relaxer and as much as I've dyed it blonde, black, and every other color of the sun,blow dried it,used and abused curling irons every day
...its still all on my head, and never broke off severly..I just could never get it past my guess that i like that i've traumatized my hair in the past and its still on my head
My layers still look wonderful! (Even though I'm trying to grow them out.)

It just falls into place when I style it right after shampooing and looks great the day after. I always get compliments day one, sometimes day 2 after I shampoo. (The next 2 days my hair just looks

I love the way my new growth feels around the 3rd week after a relaxer. I can't keep my hands out of it!

Being able to wrap and moisturize at night and just finger or comb it a little the next day and go! (With the help of a little jojoba oil.)

BTW, This is a good topic!!! It gets my mind of all the things I don't like about my hair!
The rate that it grows.. ive never noticed it before untill i came to the hair boards!

the color, its naturally jet black.

How I can just wash and go an it gets this cute straight wavy quarter size curl like a braid out look, without the hassle of braiding.

The softeness!

the lenght!

I'm in love with my hair lol!
i love how fast my hair grows too! (even though it's mainly the top growing fast) and i love how red it is in the winter and sandy brown in the summer.
[*]That it has stayed on my head (more or less) even though I used to torture it!
[*]That it grows pretty darn fast

[*]That my man likes to run his fingers through it from Day 1 of the relaxer until week 8 of the relaxer!
[*]That it has natural highlights and people always ask if I color it!

Thx for this thread it reminds me of the positives!!!
The body, the shine, and how tolerant it is of all of my experiments.

My favorite thing to love about my hair tho - it really feels like satin unless I've messed it up with some chemical application. It has a really silky feel naturally. I like that alot.
My small and medium size spirals that are growing in. Can't wait until I have enough to chop off the relaxer so I can really see them, but these ringlettes have me transfixed. They're so soft. I love my natural hair.
I love the way my new growth feels. Everytime I get a substantial amount of new growth I fall inlove with it and consider going natural. I was natural twice for 2 years each time in the last 5 years. I just didnt know how to care for it well and consequently I got fed up with it and threw a relaxer in.

What I love about my relaxed hair is it's ability to look nice and thick when I wash and get it done even though it's not thick at all.
I like that my hair grows pretty fast.

I like the color it turns to in summer reddish-sandy-brown.

I like when it gets full and soft and bouncy after a good roller set.

I love that my hair is:

1. Thick,thick, thick!

2. Grows fast

3. Is truly my crowning glory!