One sided story


New Member
Hello all. I recently had alot of breakage. But now its stopped (ty to those who gave advice). Well n e whoo its stopped, my ends are healthy and everything. One thing gets me though.

I was undoing sum braids today. i took out one side/combed it out and rebraided them, i barely had no shedding (under 10 strands came out). And no breakage. So now im chillen and what not, about to pull out the other side and all of a sudden this life time supply of shedding comes along with a little breakag (nothing major).

But still what in the world is going on? i treat all of my hair the right way
I know how you feel girl. One side of my head is pretty crappy too
It grows slower and breaks more no matter what I do to it. My understanding was that that's just the way our bodies are (one breast bigger than the other, one foot longer, etc)
If you find the cure, however, please let me know...