One side of hair shorter than the other


New Member
I know I'm not the only one dealing with this problem.

My left side has always been shorter than my right, but for a year I put my hair up with rubber bands and incorrect buns with phony tails. I did some baaaaad damage to my hair. It's improved drastically since doing research and finding this board. But I wanted to know if anyone had an specific suggestions on evening out length BESIDES cutting it even - believe it or not I tried that - but my right side just grows so much faster and is thicker.

I always had this problem even when I was a little girl with natural hair. Personally, I think it is hormonal. Like you my right side just grows faster no matter how much I cut it the hair will still pass the left side. One side is just more dominant.
Try scalp massages with Castor Oil mixed with stimulating essential oils (peppermint, clary sage, rosemary). Or if you don't want to bother with mixing oils, try Weleda Rosemary Hair Oil, which can be found at most health food stores.
I think the difference is so drastic cause of the damage done.

I'm gonna probably even it yet AGAIN and try the massages.

The right side of my hair has always grown faster and longer than the left. I have tried evening it out a few times and the same thing happens. I'm just going to let it grown out and then cut it into a V shape when it is the length that I want..
I hope you success in finding a solution to this
i have this problem but it's because the last time i had a had my haircut (also the last time i ever went to the shop) i ended up with one side of my hair layered and the other side in a blunt cut
since i have never had it cut since, although both sides are even i do see a difference with the slight layers on the one side. the only thing saving me is that i had a "halle" cut at the time. so even though i notice the difference, because my hair was so short at the time of the "scarecut" hardly anyone else does.
I have the same problem. I don't think there is anything that I can do to change it, my hair just grows that way. I've seen pictures of myself when I was a little girl. My ponytails on the right side were always longer than my ponytails on the left side. My hair even seems to be a different texture on the right side. I've tried cutting it even but the right side always seems to beat out the left.
I have this problem too. Right side faster, although it did help a bit when I changed what side I sleep on. But the problem has never been fixed, and I don't think it ever will.
My right side is shorter and less thick as the left side. Its from me slinging my booksacks and purses on my shoulder and the straps pull and snap the hair. I also have a nervous habit of pulling my hair on my right side. That's why I've committed to wearing my hair in a protective style this new year.
Good thread! I have that problem, except my hair grows faster in the top and slow in the back. Thanks for the info ladies!
The hair on my left side is significantly shorter than the rest of my hair, but I think that's a result of poor bunning technique for several consecutive months last year. I've since revised the way I do my buns (no pins, no ponytail holders - just a velvet scrunchy) but the damage has been done. My 'hemline' looks so uneven now that I plan on having my hair trimmed into a v-shape. I think that should help disguise the damage while allowing me to retain some length.
I've been told the same thing - it's the side I sleep on.

I know it definitely got worse after the whole bad bun thing so I can relate.
Buns have actually helped me with my uneven sides. My right side used to be about 3 inches longer and a lot thicker than my left. Now, since I started my bun challenge in August, my left side had definately caught up and they are about the same length and the left side is much thicker! So they are about even now, buns helped me A LOT!
lakettab said:
I have this problem also but it seems that it happens on the side that I sleep on the most.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wondered about this in the past also - it would seem logical because of more blood flow on that side. However, my hair grows faster and longer on the side I don't sleep on the most. I'm wondering if this has to do with handedness, like if one is right-handed, the the right side of the head will be dominant too, thus growing longer on that side...
I have always had this problem. My hair always grows longer and faster on the right side. Since I have been wearing my hair in protective styles for the past few months I am not worried about the different lengths. When I am ready for a major trim then I will get it even, ...just so it can grow uneven again.
It was not until today that I finally realized the very same thing about my hair. The right side grows a lot faster than the left. Back in August I has a major setback and had to chop 4 inches off. My hair was completely blunt at that time. All of the hair I cut grew back and today I took some pictures to document this years's progress, and low and behold the same uneveness. This time I'm not gonna cut it. I'm gonna wait it out and see if it corrects itself.
i have this same issue due to a de tangling NIGHTMARE!!!:wallbash:

so i think with the next relaxer i will have to bun it till summer in hopes of gaining back some much needed length:sad: