One more wash and wear option to try...


Well-Known Member
Because I am shedding and recently had some breakage to boot, I've been looking for ways to reduce stress to my hair.

The other day after I got my relaxer I let my hair air dry almost completely. Before bed I needed to do something with it, so I french braided it all the way to the ends and curled the braid end under using a Solar curler.

The next morning I took out the curler and the braid and never even looked in the mirror till I was getting ready to go out. It was so pretty! I had long, shiny waves that curled under at the ends; it looked naturally curly.

This was one of those happy accidents, but I've now got a great new alternative that gives my hair a styling break and still looks like I put in some work. I got compliments on it today, and tonite I'll be trying a little smoothing serum and a curl constructor to see if the waves define better. HTH.
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