On the Verge of Kissing 3 guys in One Week: 2 Down One To Go HELP!


I'm at work sooooo freaking out..like panic mode. I have kissed two different guys within in the last 5 days.

The first guy was a given. Hes been like the one guy I've been kissing for almost 6 to 7 months. I just moved from one city to another and he was pretty much the guy I was dating at that time in that city. So no hard feelings there..but I'm on a roll all of a sudden.

Oh my goodness....I feel so out of control. Has anyone else done this before? Is this common?

First off I feel guilty about kissing the second guy. It was just something I had to get out of my system. I've been wanting to kiss him for almost 6 months. I was in his town and one thing just lead to another and it happened. The sad thing about it was that the kiss SUCKED! It was so mediocore. We had this great physical attraction it was just thick real heavy..but had never had a chance or decided to make a move.

Now, I've come home and I started talking to this new guy about two weeks ago. We are suppose to kick it today. I just have this feeling that if he makes a move I'm not going to be able to say no.

I'm a pretty conservative girl. Most guys I date don't get a kiss at all..cause usually within the first 3 weeks they do or say something that totally turns me off. And I end up calling it a wrap.

However, all of a sudden I've just been swarmed with all these guys I actually like and/or find attractive in the mental and physical sense and I just don't know what to do with myself.

Help! Please help! Some advice...some stories about your personal experiences in similar situations...something...just need to know im not alone.

My my my. My Lord.

Alright thanks Ladies.
I wouldn't freak out; it's just kissing. You're dating around and not committed to anyone and they KNOW you're not exclusive to them, so it shouldn't matter. It's not like you're sleeping with them.
I wouldn't freak out; it's just kissing. You're dating around and not committed to anyone and they KNOW you're not exclusive to them, so it shouldn't matter. It's not like you're sleeping with them.

TOT (Totally Off Topic) - Girl, what is going on with your avatar?!? Is she going through what I think she is?!

BOT (Back on Topic) - I don't understand the stress. There's 2 ways to look at this.
  • If you're a "its just a kiss" type, then get to kissing - and stick with the one who's got some skills (because if they can't kiss, it ALL gets worse - he doesn't have to be a pro, but I'm not a lollipop, I don't drool so neither should you, and I already have a tongue, so I don't need 2).
  • If you're a "kisses are intimate etc" then slow down.
But dating multiple guys in one week? Girl, go for it!! You don't go to Nordstroms, try on ONE pair of shoes, buy them and wait 'til your feet hurt to take them back. You try on 10, send back 8 and grab 6 more. AND MAYBE you buy a pair, and maybe not.

Forget "playing the field" - it's called "evaluating the opportunities". Maximize that return on investment!!
The "Mom" in me wants to talk to you about cold sores and mess, but nah. :lachen:. . . Girl, before I was married, and when kissing was all I was doing, I was kissing everybody all the time. I don't see any harm. Choose carefully who you flirt with, though. Try not to lead anyone into thinking it'll be more than a kiss if that's not where you're trying to go with it. Other than that, pop an Altoid and roll with it, I say.:kissing4:
I definitely know about the cold sore epidemic. I call it an epidemic cause almost everyone I see has one. I don't have one and I don't want one.

The first guy I kissed I know he didn't/doesn't have a cold sore. The second one I kissed I had seen him enough to say I don't believe he has a cold sore. But, you are never for sure. This third one..I can't say. It will definitely be a risk.

I know its just kissing, but this is a new step for me. Not kissing, but the number of guys within a short period of time. I use to do it with anyone and anytime I wanted to when I was younger. But as of the last 7 years nah. I had to know that person well (or at least 2 to 3 weeks) to get down like that ya know. Lol! Wow. 3 guys.

I think since I like this guy kind of..I don't want it to move that fast..but wow. Sometimes I guess thats just the way things go down. Especially since when you go to first base so quickly, they may think you are experienced in other areas which I am NOT! And think they may have a chance to starting running to the other bases too. Slow down now ya hear me.

And I don't plan to go there at all.

I don't know if anyone thinks like this, but I think about the cause of effect of my actions and how it will affect the relationship. Especially since I may want to keep this guy around.

I think its going to happen, if it does it just does. But, if this happens with another guy that I don't know that well..I will have to enter my self into some type of 12 step program. Because at that point I will have to admit that I am an addict.

Oh by the way..this is all happening between guys in L.A. and the Bay area.
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In all seriousness, I feel where you're coming from. I did something similar a few years back and it was really strange for me since I'm not usually involved with more than one guy at a time.

But in the years since, I think my attitute about dating/relationships has changed alot.

Now I'm trying to make it a point not to treat a guy like he's my man and make myself exclusive to him unless we both decide that that's what we want. I don't want to be in anymore relationships by myself.
Mucous membrane contact and fluid swapping with multiple partners ain't good for ya health.


Girl, I'm not one to judge with sexual behavior unless it's risky sexual behavior.

Sleep with, perform oral sex on, kiss, feel up on, etc with however many people you can get your hands on...

But IMO...kissing random people is the same as performing unprotected oral sex on random people.

I buy flavored condoms because I like to give but not catch, LOL

I wish they had kissing shields cuz I'd be tonging down soooo many people, man!
I'm a freak. So what :lachen:

(But in all seriousness...watch who you kiss. Herpes is EVERYWHERE and Hepatitis C is 100x more contagious than AIDS/HIV and you can catch that from saliva.)
I definitely know about the cold sore epidemic. I call it an epidemic cause almost everyone I see has one. I don't have one and I don't want one.

The first guy I kissed I know he didn't/doesn't have a cold sore. The second one I kissed I had seen him enough to say I don't believe he has a cold sore. But, you are never for sure. This third one..I can't say. It will definitely be a risk.

I know its just kissing, but this is a new step for me. Not kissing, but the number of guys within a short period of time. I use to do it with anyone and anytime I wanted to when I was younger. But as of the last 7 years nah. I had to know that person well (or at least 2 to 3 weeks) to get down like that ya know. Lol! Wow. 3 guys.

I think since I like this guy kind of..I don't want it to move that fast..but wow. Sometimes I guess thats just the way things go down. Especially since when you go to first base so quickly, they may think you are experienced in other areas which I am NOT! And think they may have a chance to starting running to the other bases too. Slow down now ya hear me.

And I don't plan to go there at all.

I don't know if anyone thinks like this, but I think about the cause of effect of my actions and how it will affect the relationship. Especially since I may want to keep this guy around.

I think its going to happen, if it does it just does. But, if this happens with another guy that I don't know that well..I will have to enter my self into some type of 12 step program. Because at that point I will have to admit that I am an addict.

Oh by the way..this is all happening between guys in L.A. and the Bay area.

As long as we ain't kissin' the same dudes in Oakland, it's all good. :lachen:

But seriously, I've been there...I've kissed (or more) three guys in the same day (not that I'm proud of that). Kissing three in a week is nothing. Relax. :look:
I know it's just kissing for some, but kissing can be an intimate thing for some of us (like myself). The gentleman that I'm dating has not had the opportunity to kiss me on my mouth (and we've know each other for months). I've only let him kiss me on the check. He knows how I feel about kissing.

Anyways. Have fun girlie. :)
Hep C. Wow! I know kissing is a serious deal due to the swamp of bodily fluid. It's just become so common to do it these days..you kind of let your guard down.

Well just to let you all know ladies. Yes we did kiss. I feel sooooo:wallbash:.
It was the wrong decision. I wish I would have just been like no.

Now I have this cat all up on me..and won't leave me alone. Seriously! I have to find a way to get rid of him. Dudes that are calling me all the time or textng me scare me. He is doing this to the tenth degree. Now the fact that he got to kiss me so quickly has pretty much cemented in his mind that we are some type of item and its ok to be in my caller log every other hour.

Im actually really scared! My actions this week have freaked me out completely and I just woke up this morning with a knot in my stomach.

I've texted every human in my phone that prays to pray for me. Cause I need some help getting rid of this guy and making sure he don't go crazy. Y'all know some guys don't accept rejection well. At least the ones in my history. Plus I need prayer.

Thanks ladies for your advice and comments!
Have a blessed morning.
wow, I never thought about it like that. i guess people's mouth's can be pretty dirty.

People's mouths (that's people who do the recommended brushing and flossing) are actually DIRTIER than their genitals. Most people, myself included...I normally brush 2-3 times a day but I definitely don't brush after EVERY meal and I honestly floss like 3 times a week when I know it needs to be done daily. I do the peroxide rinses and the tongue scraping to make up for it but it's not good enough and I know that.

I agree w/Allandra...kissing is extremely intimate. I LOOOOOVE kissing. I can totally understand why so many people just 'make out' all the time cuz it's so passionate and it makes you feel so loved.

But watch that kissing cuz mouths are dirty, period. You can't put a condom on it and make him keep his boxers on :blush:
ITA about kissing being an intimate (and germy!!) thing... Don't get me wrong, I've had my share of random kisses in my day but... with all the diseases going around nowadays, it's just not really smart to participate in this activity with just anyone... :look:

PLUS, I've found that once a kiss has taken place (and I'm assuming you're past the teenage years here...), the guy automatically assumes that "other thangs" will follow soon after... and if they don't, the guy will tend to get stupid!! :ohwell: I think it's best to save the intimate kissing for someone you're sure you're ready to be involved with in that manner, just so that there are no mixed messages are being relayed.

JMO!! :yep: