On the verge of brain damage....Help!!!!


New Member

As i'm typing this i'm at work beating my head to a pulp as it is itching me to the point of insanity!!!!

I put my head in a full weave and i usually do have an itchy and flaky scalp caused by dermatitis. i have been transitioning to natural since the 5th Sept 2008 as my sister had the same condition but hers has seem to stop since she transitioned. I find it difficult to style my hair when its all out so i thought putting a full head of weave would be good for growth and would allow me less manipulation of my own hair.

I have only had this weave in for about a week and its already itching me like crazy, it still looks good and i wanted to keep it in for a month or so, but i dont know if i'll get that far.

Has anyone got any tips for keeping the scalp underneath moisturised and combatting itchiness...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need your help the people at work think i'm either possesed or that i have some medical disorder the way i'm bashing my head. I'm on the verge of hearing bells and having little birds fly around my head, feels like im gonna knock myself out in a minute.....lol
LOL, I definitely can relate. My very first weave was exactly like that. Except I couldn't brave it like you are, and I undid it within 2 days. I've got my third weave in now, it's been in for a week now. It had started itching (not too badly), so I washed it this weekend and made an attempt to deep condition.... it's definitely subsided.

Did you try removing the alkaline coating of that hair before sewing it in? I think that's what causes a lot of the itching.
LOL, I definitely can relate. My very first weave was exactly like that. Except I couldn't brave it like you are, and I undid it within 2 days. I've got my third weave in now, it's been in for a week now. It had started itching (not too badly), so I washed it this weekend and made an attempt to deep condition.... it's definitely subsided.

Did you try removing the alkaline coating of that hair before sewing it in? I think that's what causes a lot of the itching.

Excuse me Alkaline coating....wtf!!! lol
I think i failed to add that i am new to lhcf and still getting used to all the terms and lingo.

By the way what type of weave have you got in now (straight/curly?) and what brand of hair did you use. Are you transitioning???
Go get French Perm Stabilizer. It is acidic 2.5, should really help the itching and combat the alkalinity.

Do you think its available in the UK???? I will defo look into it, Just a question tho, i do have sensitive scalp or dermatitis or whatever it is.. i was wondering will this product affect my scalp??
Witch Hazel works well. Put some in one of those applicator bottles with the really small tips and put it on your scalp. It works really well. ITA that in the future you should remove the alkaline base before putting in the weave, especially the braid hair that is added to your cornrows, if any is used.
I don't think a weave is a good idea if you have a problem scalp because you cannot get to it to treat it. Wigs may be a better option. I had an itchy weave before and it was from getting a perm too close to when the install. When was your last perm?
Do you think its available in the UK???? I will defo look into it, Just a question tho, i do have sensitive scalp or dermatitis or whatever it is.. i was wondering will this product affect my scalp??

Hmmm, probably not. I think you need to take the weave out. It has been too long for it to be itching like that.

One last idea, is to take a cotton swab dipped in Apple Cider Vinegar and put it in you parts. Also, you could do an ACV rinse next time you wash your weave.
Hmmm, probably not. I think you need to take the weave out. It has been too long for it to be itching like that.

One last idea, is to take a cotton swab dipped in Apple Cider Vinegar and put it in you parts. Also, you could do an ACV rinse next time you wash your weave.

Hi sunshine lady, when you say it has been too long, do you mean the lenght of time that i've had the weave in because its only been a week.. If i have to take it out then i guess i will, it just feels like i keep wasting money that i really dont have. This would have been the 2nd weave i've had in 2 months that hasnt lasted even 2 weeks. I'm getting frustrated now and althoug i dont want to i may have to do a big chop if i cant find any transition styles that i can work with.

I didnt want to flat comb everyday, i ddint even do that when i was relaxed so defo dont want to start like that now. do you think braids will be any better??? i guess maybe if i do that rinse someone mentioned earlier.. this is sooooo frustrating :(