On the eve of my 4th month natural, I LEARNED


I can now get my hair close to being relaxer strait...myself!:spinning: This is a huge thing for me because I never thought that I could do anything with my natural hair! :nono: I am slowly learning how to do these things and I'm gaining more confidence with my hair. I prefer doing my hair this way because it does not require me to do a lot with my hair. I am familiar with roller setting strait hair. My first roller set was embarrassing to me because I felt like Don King. :blush: This one looked good, but I have to make smaller sections for the back. I will be doing this until I get out of this mullet stage.:rolleyes: I've been researching you tube videos and this site's thread on strait haired naturals. I used a hot air brush to get my hair strait and then a curling iron. My method needs some more tweaking, but I will get it. :grin:
Girl, that all good and everything....but you know we wanna see the pictures:grin:

Congrats on 4 months.:yep:
Invest in a good flat iron, and you can flip, curl, and straighten your hair in one step. I was natural until I was 20, and I pressed my hair pin straight. Enjoy your natural hair, and realize you have NO LIMITS!!!:yep::grin:
I have to take pictures? I knew I forgot something.:lachen::eyebrows2 I'll ask my hubby to snap some later.