On a scale of 1 to 10


Well-Known Member
How important is romance to your relationship? An absolute must or a nice touch that gives umph to a guy? Would you discount a man solely based on the fact that he is not romantic? Do you care for it at all? :drunk:
I like romance and romantic men very much. It doesn't have to be hearts, flowers, and poems all day, every day but I like romantic gestures and could never be with a man who couldn't or wouldn't be romantic.

I would say it's about an 8 or 9 for me.
I'd give it a 3. I'm more into a friendship based relationship than a romance. It's more fun for me to sit up all night playing Wii with my SO. BUT, if he were to do something romantic out of the blue, I'd love it because it doesn't happen all of the time and I think it makes those moments even more special.
9----im uber romance...all that mushy stuff i gotta have it---the same things you did to get me---please keep it going and the same things i did to snag ya heart---i will do the same
I'd have to say ten. Doesn't have to be everyday, but you have to bust out a romantic line or romantic dinner of what-have-you every so often.
I am really not a romantic so I would probably give it a 3. DH is VERY romantic and I truly appreciate him for it but I am not the romantic typre....but it is nice every now and then.
TEN! I appreciate romanticism. Romance is a form of presenting an opportunity to me. There has to be a romantic word or gesture somewhere...if not there is gonna be an ugly side to me...and then he'll wonder why.
I say romance adds a nice touch. It's the romantic gestures that a woman tends to remember and keep her appreciative of her partner when the relationship is a bit rocky.
I'd prob say about a 6.
I'd like a good balance between someone I can have fun with, laugh with and romance. I really appreciate the friend factor. I love laughing w/ my SO, I think I'd probably like that more than something really sappy, then the sappy moments would be really special to me.