On a Hair Hiatus...


Well-Known Member
I've decided to take a break from my hair. :look: For the past two days, I've had nightmares surrounding my hair, and this is the first time that's happened. I don't know if it's because I'm anxious of reaching WL, but this can't be healthy.

I normally can't remember what I've dreamt about, but I vividly remember waking up Sunday night almost in tears. :ohwell::blush: In my dream, I got in a confrontation with another girl and she used one of those eyebrow shapers, and slashed through my hair. I don't know how, but she was able to cut a few of my braids. lol I woke up so depressed, and wondering how bad my setback was going to be when I unbraid my hair. It took me a few minutes to regroup, and realize that it was just a dream.

Last night I dreamt that I had an awful setback, and was back to SL. I can't take this kind of unnecessary stress. I'm taking a brief hiatus for a few months, I think. :ohwell::perplexed:grin::look:
NO....!!!! I'm following your regimen! Don't leave me! {runs, falls at Ediese's feet and holds onto her ankle}
vividly remember waking up Sunday night almost in tears. :ohwell::blush: In my dream, I got in a confrontation with another girl and she used one of those eyebrow shapers, and slashed through my hair.

My, that was just horrid! That b!sh needs her arse kicked. How dare she lol

Sometimes you need a break! Just a few days/weeks off is like a life time in the "hair forum world". Nothing wrong with taking a "hair vaca".
NO....!!!! I'm following your regimen! Don't leave me! {runs, falls at Ediese's feet and holds onto her ankle}

Aww...:) Just keep doing what you're doing. The weave challenge thread is a really good resource too! Good luck!!!

^^^ lol, take your time and come back when your ready, you will be missed.

Thanks! :) I *might* lurk a bit, but I'll probably be mostly in OT and ENT.

My, that was just horrid! That b!sh needs her arse kicked. How dare she lol

Sometimes you need a break! Just a few days/weeks off is like a life time in the "hair forum world". Nothing wrong with taking a "hair vaca".

:lachen::lachen:You're a trip! lol yea, I might be back after summer. We'll see how it goes.
Well - - :(
If you leave - take care of yourself (and your hair!)

I'm sure you'll be back with hair healthy as ever.

You will be missed chica. SD
Aww...:) Just keep doing what you're doing. The weave challenge thread is a really good resource too! Good luck!!!

Thanks! :) I *might* lurk a bit, but I'll probably be mostly in OT and ENT.

:lachen::lachen:You're a trip! lol yea, I might be back after summer. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks Chica! Seriously, you have to do what's best for you. I was actually thinking about dropping out of the weave-it-up challenge. I'm tired of it all really. Some days, I feel like I'm watching paint dry. Perhaps, when you come back you'll be waist length! Now THAT would be awesome!
Best wishes and I'll be keeping an eye out for that "I FINALLY made it to waist length thread (caution pic heavy)..." :yep:
I know how you feel. I'm thinking about braiding it up and sticking mostly to non hair discussions on the board, myself.
Ediese don't leave! I was looking forward to your next update! I think you should take a deep breath and stop stressing yourself out. You know your hair is fine. I have crazy dreams like that too. Maybe you should stop eating cookies late at night LOL

Anyway if you take a break I hope its a short one!
Ediese don't leave! I was looking forward to your next update! I think you should take a deep breath and stop stressing yourself out. You know your hair is fine. I have crazy dreams like that too. Maybe you should stop eating cookies late at night LOL

Anyway if you take a break I hope its a short one!

:lachen:It's the craziest thing though. I have no idea why I had that dream, but you should have seen me when I got up. My heart was beating so hard. :lachen::lachen::lachen:I think a few months away will do me some good, probably until summer/fall. I'll post my updates then too!!
Before you go, I was planning to give you a product review once I had the hair wefted. I tried out some kinky hair from this company, http://clearlynaturesown.com/
here, in Atlanta.
I was skeptical because they don't have any actual pics of the hair on their site...but they said they'd give me my money back minus restocking fee...so I took a leap.
I purchased bulk hair with intentions of having Sam weft it. It's really pretty, not shiny at all, soft and the curls are GORGEOUS! I haven't had a chance to wash/cond it because I haven't had it wefted yet. But if you're interested PM me, and I'll send pics. 'tis all.
You will be missed...I am an old "newbie" and I definitely look forward to your pics, etc...do what ya gotta do girlie!
I know how you feel. I'm thinking about braiding it up and sticking mostly to non hair discussions on the board, myself.

Yeah I did that for a few months last year. We all need a break at some point even from our 'hobbies' :look: thats what I call my hair obsession :lol:
I normally can't remember what I've dreamt about, but I vividly remember waking up Sunday night almost in tears. :ohwell::blush: In my dream, I got in a confrontation with another girl and she used one of those eyebrow shapers, and slashed through my hair.

Sorry Ediese but the bolded made me laugh out loud.

You will be WL in no time and I think your attitude is very healthy.

Just chill out, you'll be fine :yep:

I've had a few dreams like that. Something horrible happened to my hair, I wake up devastated and it takes me a while to realize it was all a dream :laugh: smh. How will you be wearing your hair on your hiatus? :look:
Sorry Ediese but the bolded made me laugh out loud.

You will be WL in no time and I think your attitude is very healthy.

Just chill out, you'll be fine :yep:


Thanks Stella! I can laugh about it now since I know it was only a dream. lol :lachen::lachen:

I've had a few dreams like that. Something horrible happened to my hair, I wake up devastated and it takes me a while to realize it was all a dream :laugh: smh. How will you be wearing your hair on your hiatus? :look:

Yup..same thing happened to me. :grin: I'm probably going to wear buns for a while.
girl I know what you mean, I was thinking the same thing too...all this hair stuff is stressful isn't it? :lachen:
Ediese, if you need to take a break, please do so. I really need to too. But i tried to but its like :alcoholic .... yea that's kinda how it feels for me to learn about hair.

But your not alone girl!

The other night i had a dream that i lost my mind, stood in the mirror and put a relaxer in my hair cuz i was hypnotized and realized what i did after the fact. I was on the ground crying curled in the fetal position like somebody stabbed me... :perplexed

So take a break if you need to honey before you end up like me ~takes needle and gets fix~

:drool:I love this high...