omgah, she is beyond floor length!

If she likes it, OK. I am not a fan of locks that long.:nono: I also remember her through a former thread. It wasn't a very nice one, due to her growth allegations.:giggle:
Her hair looks nice but I believe locked hair length can be faked since dead hair can be locked into the hair.
Um that is how locs are formed. Hair that would normally be shed, collects.

All hair is dead btw.

I love locs but that is too much. To me hair past your waist, loced or not is not attractive.
Honestly, as much as I love dreadlocks, this is too much for me, washing, conditioner etc, I don't care if it's locks, relaxed hair, natural hair, etc, that's just to much hair, I can't imagine what she do on a daily basis, I know what I do on a daily basis and my schedule would not allow me to take care of my hair if it was that length, congrats to her on growing her locks that length, but I just couldn't do. This would be time comsuing to me, and her hair line looks like it's in pain.....but to each it's own what u do.... :)
i find that in general anything beyond classic length can look a bit :perplexed:, locs or loose. after a certain length the beauty of the hair diminishes for some reason.
MayaB12 Here is what I found at the website for the Guinness World Records.

Longest Dreadlock Record - Rested
Following a review of our guidelines for the longest dreadlock, we have taken expert advice and made the decision to rest this category. The reason for this is that it is difficult, and in many cases impossible, to measure the authenticity of the locks due to expert methods employed in the attachment of hair extensions/ re-attachment of broken off dreadlocks. Effectively the dreadlock can become an extension and therefore impossible to adjudicate accurately. It is for this reason Guinness World Records has decided to rest the category and will no longer be monitoring the category for longest dreadlock.
I've seen her at least 3 times on this site. I always found it odd that it would take 4-6 big bottles to do her hair each time she washes it but hey, she'd know her hair best. :lol:
She seems so personable, like she would be fun to hang out with :) I don't like that length though. After a certain length, very, very long hair becomes somewhat unattractive.
Anybody can grow long dreads.. now show me some long 4 type loose hair and my mouth will be on the ground.

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