
One one side, she reminds me of my grandmother, asking someone if it's their real hair and then rummaging through the scalp looking for tracks.

But on the other hand, this is Barbawa Walters, and that is highly unprofessional ( and dare I say racist and paternalistic) to ask someone that question on national television and then proceed to ruffle and touch a grown womans head like that. I couldn't see her asking Christina Aguilera or Julia Roberts about their extensions. Grrrrr! some folks don't have home training no matter how educated and professional they are. I need to go drink some tea, that got my emotions all heightened!
smh... "The View" has really gone down hill anyways. :yep:

Maybe black women should stop going around telling everyone that their hair is not real. :ohwell: I really don't think it's everybody's business.
I've seen that before. I think Barb need a good talking to. I mean why'd she have to go and grab a fistfull and try to pull the girl's hair off on national T.V.
I've seen that before. I think Barb need a good talking to. I mean why'd she have to go and grab a fistfull and try to pull the girl's hair off on national T.V.
I did see the one w/ Brandy but not the second one. She didnt have to try to PULL the girls hair off. What if it was a wig and she pulled it. I would beat that *** right there on national TV.
OMG is right. That is my first time seeing that and I find her actions and question to be very racist. What does it matter if that's their hair or not, white Hollywood wears weaves (and bad ones at that) every day, and you don't see her pulling their hair. I am very disappointed in Barbra. :nono:
I did see the one w/ Brandy but not the second one. She didnt have to try to PULL the girls hair off. What if it was a wig and she pulled it. I would beat that *** right there on national TV.

Yeah, I seen the second one on another hair board. That was the worst one because she tried to pull it off:blush:. The girl handled it well though.....much better than me because I seriously would've swatted her hand.
Yeah, it's so funny because there's a lady on my job named Barbara and she likes to do the same thing to me. How coincidental????! I'm telling her don't touch the hair, it's mine cuz I paid for it. She's still puzzled til this day.:ohwell:
OMG is right. That is my first time seeing that and I find her actions and question to be very racist. What does it matter if that's their hair or not, white Hollywood wears weaves (and bad ones at that) every day, and you don't see her pulling their hair. I am very disappointed in Barbra. :nono:

What really irked me was how she kept repeating "wash and dry hair?" after Tanika told her how she got her hair that way. It makes me think Barbara has a hard time belieiving that we can "wash and go"!!!!

Yep! The pulling was definitely uncalled for- that was not polite at all :nono:.
The way she pulled Tanika Ray's hair was totally uncalled for. The was this white lady that I knew who liked to give me a hug, she would always put her hand on the back of my head, and I'm like "okay....." a few times my hair was damp from washing, but she'd do it every time she saw me. She was elderly so I didn't have the heart to tell her about it.
UMMMMMM :perplexed

Ok I have had ignorant sway back 3rd world country people do that to me, but SHE should know better
I think the touching was uncalled for. But I wouldn't necessarily call her actions "racist", per se. That's a tad bit too deep. She's just going off the stereotype that many of us haven't exactly proven wrong just yet. She thinks black women don't wear their own hair, and until we stop seeing the weave fro-hawks, micros, 27-layer pieces (whatever you call them) and florescent weave tracks in everyone's hair, other races are going to believe that...

But sometimes, we don't open up to other people with our hair. Many of us are quicker to ask a white girl about her hair than to answer when a white girl asks about ours. One day, I was talking about hair and one girl, who was biracial, told my friend, who was white, "Oh, this is a black thang." I corrected her quickly and explained what we were talking about. We need to open up and not clam up when other ppl are curious. In many ways, I'm flattered instead of offended. Some take it as racism, I take it as flattery. Racism doesn't work when you disregard it (in some situations). Only a hit dog will bark.

I'm glad this board is formed so that we can stomp that sterotype though.
I give them mad props because they handled themselves very well, very professional and made light of the situation.
i agree that what BW did was rude and uncalled and that to a certain extent BW is basing her comments and actions off stereotypes. Regardless of whether or not shes educated about black hair or not she should have not done that. And also if she wanted to touch it just say may i touch it. if she would have said those simple words the whole situation would have played out better. To just up and grab someones hair and pull it up to see if it was fake was dead wrong. imo its was kidna like she wanted to embarass her. Like what if it was really a wig and and it came off that would have been so heartbreaking for the guest. The fact is that barbara didnt know whether her hair was real or not so you dont take the chance and grab it like that. its just called common courtesy. but i think someone mentioned that many ppl that do not have our hair type assume stuff about our hair cause no one tells them . I agree and disagree with this statement. some ppl just dont know and i feel we should enlighten them but some do know and they dont care . they know some women hate when ppl asking them if its a weave or not and they do it anyway just for fun.
I think the touching was uncalled for. But I wouldn't necessarily call her actions "racist", per se. That's a tad bit too deep. She's just going off the stereotype that many of us haven't exactly proven wrong just yet. She thinks black women don't wear their own hair, and until we stop seeing the weave fro-hawks, micros, 27-layer pieces (whatever you call them) and florescent weave tracks in everyone's hair, other races are going to believe that...

But sometimes, we don't open up to other people with our hair. Many of us are quicker to ask a white girl about her hair than to answer when a white girl asks about ours. One day, I was talking about hair and one girl, who was biracial, told my friend, who was white, "Oh, this is a black thang." I corrected her quickly and explained what we were talking about. We need to open up and not clam up when other ppl are curious. In many ways, I'm flattered instead of offended. Some take it as racism, I take it as flattery. Racism doesn't work when you disregard it (in some situations). Only a hit dog will bark.

I'm glad this board is formed so that we can stomp that sterotype though.

ITA. i dont think it was racist. uncalled for, rude, crazy and unprofessional yes but racist no.
but yes we do need to open up to other races about our hair. i work with a white guy who asks me about my hair and i openly tell him. some of his questions are funny (like he asked me if it's hard to wash our hair?) but i dont get offended because i know he really wants to know. and he really likes natural hair anyway so i can talk to him about how i am transitioning. they honestly don't know and it's our job and should be our pleasure to tell them.
I hope she got a lot of letters cussing her dumb ass out so maybe the next time she will know not go touching any body's hair like that again.
I guess old age is finally catching up with Ms. Walters...I give props to Brandy and Tanika...had that would have been me...


Some folks are so ignorant...:rolleyes: :meditate:
White chicks make me sick with that crap. Acting like black women are the only ones wearing hair extensions.:wallbash:
I make it my personal goal to put other races of women on blast IRL when I notice they are wearing extensions...I'll say "oh, Emily here's a mirror you need to fix your hair in the back 'cause your hair fusions tips are showing."
Barb walters is an old washed up racist who "planned" on embarrassing these women on "national television". :yep::yep:
I've seen her before pulling all sorts of stunts. :yawn: If it's not with the remarks :blush: one is supposed to notice...yeah Right! She's yanking on someones hair.
That's just plain rude and disrespectful no matter what the race. But I maintain she has motives and would have loved to pull off a wig and embarrass the heck out of someone. :yep:
Very rude..and why did Barbara Wawa look so puzzled when Tamika said it was "wash and go?" I just have to say that white folks think that its ok to touch our hair without asking. My son is 14 months and he has always had a head full of hair. White folks, and I mean total strangers, always want to put their hands in his hair. It got really bad. I say all of this to make the point that, they feel that they can do these types of things to black folks...but, a black person could NEVER just go up to a white adult or child and put their hands in his/her hair. Barbara is no different.
White chicks make me sick with that crap. Acting like black women are the only ones wearing hair extensions.:wallbash:
I make it my personal goal to put other races of women on blast IRL when I notice they are wearing extensions...I'll say "oh, Emily here's a mirror you need to fix your hair in the back 'cause your hair fusions tips are showing."

:grin::lachen: Too ****** funny! I HATE that too! Not only the fact that just about EVERYBODY and they mama in HW are wearing weaves, extensions, hair enhancements of some sort..........what's the deal with supposedly Black women don't have hair???!!!? :wallbash: I wear wigs and have no shame but just yesterday at my daughter's birthday party her grandma on her daddy's side was lifting up hair on my wig, asking if it was mine and then answering for herself, "no... no natural." :nono::rolleyes:
I dont comment very often on the board, but I have to say that some of those comments girls wrote made no sense. One girl said that black and white people touched her hair whenever she wears a different hairstyle....okay....I have lots of friends of different races and I don't see anyone touching their hair when they wear a different style....was that one not easy to answer or was it just me?
Why do other races act as if they do not wear falls, hair pieces, wigs, weaves and what have you? I mean they started the darn trend Blacks just perfected it and made some of it a little Ghetto (27 piece anyone?). :lachen::lachen::lachen: