Junebug D
Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I am hoping someone can give me a trick to help me or something. I just got my first weave yesterday and it's beautiful. But it is Sooo sooo tight. I can't eat because with every chew it's a stabbing pain in my head. I have taken tylenol w codeine to help with the pain but I don't know how long I can deal with this. Anyone know any tricks to loosen them up. I told the lady as she was doing it that it was really tight and she said it had to be tight to stay... Is that true. Do all of y'all that get weaves have to deal with days of pain?!?
That's a lie. When I had mine done, it wasn't braided tightly at all yet it stayed and laid almost flat to my scalp. I had minor pulling in one area (it's my same always-sensitive spot) and I was able to slide some oil down there and loosen it with my pinky. But you seem to be in serious pain, so I suggest you go back and ask her to loosen it. If she loosens it and it starts falling out, then she's simply a bad stylist and you should seek another one.