OMG, My hair was on the news tonight....


The Credit Countess
So I take my braids out yesterday and go to the hairdressers to get a touch up today. She starts to brass my scalp and he comes the local news van. They are there to interview her on women in business.

Oh why oh why did they take pictures of my hair looking like this:


I almost died when I saw the news tonight. My son was like are you sure that you want to go to church tomorrow? It was really worst than the above pictures because she was parting it and it looked really wild.

On a brighter note I have updated my album (address and password is in my profile) and I am glad to say that I am seeing some progress in my hair finally. A wonderful hairdresser really makes the difference.
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LadyR said:
So I take my braids out yesterday and go to the hairdressers to get a touch up today. She starts to brass my scalp and he comes the local news van. They are there to interview her on women in business.

Oh why oh why did they take pictures of my hair looking like this:

I almost died when I saw the news tonight. My son was like are you sure that you want to go to church tomorrow? It was really worst than the above pictures because she was parting it and it looked really wild.

On a brighter note I have updated my album (address and password is in my profile) and I am glad to say that I am seeing some progress in my hair finally. A wonderful hairdresser really makes the difference.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Oh man to be on TV like that. :lachen: I am sorry but that was funny that your son said that.
Um, is this a joke? Cause I can't see anyone in their right mind posting a pic like that of themselves.....
Um no it's not a joke. Like I said that how I was caught at the hairdressers today.

Now maybe you wouldn't post a picture here but I have been a part of this family since 2003 and if my "family" can't smile and laught at me with my "pants" down, noone can. Now there are places that i wouldn't post this pictures this is not one of those places. Also if you see I have also posted pictures of my hair done. I am not ashmed of my hair. That pictures no matter how it looks also represents 2 months of new growth and of healthy hair

Thank you very much
Congratulations for being on television LadyR!! :up: You as a hair model went down in history, that's an accomplishment. And you can save that pic for future comparison shots! :)
LadyR said:
So I take my braids out yesterday and go to the hairdressers to get a touch up today. She starts to brass my scalp and he comes the local news van. They are there to interview her on women in business.

Oh why oh why did they take pictures of my hair looking like this:


I almost died when I saw the news tonight. My son was like are you sure that you want to go to church tomorrow? It was really worst than the above pictures because she was parting it and it looked really wild.

On a brighter note I have updated my album (address and password is in my profile) and I am glad to say that I am seeing some progress in my hair finally. A wonderful hairdresser really makes the difference.

LMAO...:lachen: :lachen: I am sorry, but that was funny.
Don't be sorry I'm getting ready to be a gutten for punishment and look at the 11:00 news now. At least I have a nice smile and can laught at myself. The good point is that eveyone can see what a mircle worker my hairdresser is :D

That made my night!!!

Keep your head up! You are a celebrity!!

Those little bitties in church didnt have a report do a feature on them...

It's called Spin... darling
BahaGirl said:
Um, is this a joke? Cause I can't see anyone in their right mind posting a pic like that of themselves.....

aww man, that was kinda mean:ohwell:

LadyR--I'm laughing with you girl! Your son is a mess:lachen: Let's just hope they don't decide to do an encore presentation and air the story again:lachen:
LadyR said:
Um no it's not a joke. Like I said that how I was caught at the hairdressers today.

Now maybe you wouldn't post a picture here but I have been a part of this family since 2003 and if my "family" can't smile and laught at me with my "pants" down, noone can. Now there are places that i wouldn't post this pictures this is not one of those places. Also if you see I have also posted pictures of my hair done. I am not ashmed of my hair. That pictures no matter how it looks also represents 2 months of new growth and of healthy hair

Thank you very much
I admire a person that can share the good with the bad. I think that people can learn from the ups and down. You are making great progress!:)
Liz25_Ga said:
I admire a person that can share the good with the bad. I think that people can learn from the ups and down. You are making great progress!:)

yeah, I am STILL holding on to pictures that I don't have the courage to post yet:lol: :look: :lol:
I can't look they put it back on, it was a nice interview with my hairdresser and she deserved the reconization but darn my hair was a hot mess.:grin:
LadyR said:
I can't look they put it back on, it was a nice interview with my hairdresser and she deserved the reconization but darn my hair was a hot mess.:grin:
That was funny, and your son said the same thing I woulda thought if it was me and my hair up on the news, lol!:lol:
BahaGirl said:
Um, is this a joke? Cause I can't see anyone in their right mind posting a pic like that of themselves.....

Um, rude much?

To LadyR, thanks for making me laugh, and I also wanna say you're making great progress. :grin:
I had to look at that pic several times & I laughed just the same every time! :lol:
Nice to see you being such a great sport about it. Like someone else said, you're very brave and I'm glad you feel comfortable enough here to post it.

Girl, but you were on television for something positive. :up: We're not going to let one picture tell us nothing because we have seen your photo album, and you're making great progress. :up: :) Girl, it's all good. You know you're gonna be famous now, right? :) Just wait until everyone starts gathering around you in church.
I cant see the pic...the link wont work

Im loving your attitude girl...more ppl should be like that...very cool :)

Thanks ladies. Your are the reason why I can come here and post a pictures like that.

I have relinked the pictures and it should show not for those who wasn't able to see the picture.

I am just so glad of the progress I am making right now I could jump for joy!!!!
Yes, you're making great progress. I think it's a cute picture because you have a great smile and you look so happy. Thank for sharing. :)
Go Lady R! You have the best attitude! :)
You be proud girl...not everyone can be a t-v star!
And I bet your hair was slammin' by the time you left the salon.
aww big sis, now you're a real-life celebrity just like me haha...
Is that the same lady you been going to that does your hair for free? Keep it up mami it's looking so good and healthy, I'll talk to you later
oh boy, that was funny!
I would be crying then laughing, I too would have called all my friends to watch.
That's what friends are for, laugh and cry together, lol.
Good progress to you with your hair!
LadyR said:
So I take my braids out yesterday and go to the hairdressers to get a touch up today. She starts to brass my scalp and he comes the local news van. They are there to interview her on women in business.

Oh why oh why did they take pictures of my hair looking like this:


I almost died when I saw the news tonight. My son was like are you sure that you want to go to church tomorrow? It was really worst than the above pictures because she was parting it and it looked really wild.

On a brighter note I have updated my album (address and password is in my profile) and I am glad to say that I am seeing some progress in my hair finally. A wonderful hairdresser really makes the difference.

Leave for a while and LadyR becomes famous. I knew you would girl!!! (You know you crazy, right?)