OMG! It wasn't the was the relaxer!


New Member
While I was parting my hair after washing today I noticed that the part of my hair that is all new growth was jet black while the rest look sort of brownish. I always thought that I had a rinse (got it in 2003) that never washed away. Now I realize it was the relaxer the stylist was using. I read about it changing the color of your hair, but never did I imagine it would happen to me.

I couldn't get a good picture to document it...sorry

Has this happened to anyone else?
when i used to get relaxers, I noticed that my hair would be darker than normal, but it didn't last that long.
Relaxing hair makes it more susceptible (sp?) to damage, that probably includes sun damage.
Mine always looked quite brown in the sunlight. When I was a child I'm sure it was jet black though.
I used to have this problem. Ever since I started to take care of my hair, the healthy part was a medium brown, and the damaged overprocessed part was light brown/red. It looked crazy (to me), and everyone though I was just growing out a bad color job. I finally put a rinse in my hair that fixed it.
Yep. I don't know if this is true or not but I heard that relaxers has a small amount of peroxide in them. Over time, they turn your hair lighter.
Yep! My hair would actually darken. It would look like I was growing out a dye job. The newly relaxed roots would be dark and the further down you went the lighter my hair got. To begin with my hair was reddish coppery sandy dirty brown.... and it would turn dark brown...

Its dyed right now but this is my sisters hair to illustrate the family color (youre not a real family member if you aint dirty!)...


BTW this is her natural hair :nono: She has about every texture in her head... Poor baby :nono: