OMG! I had a dream!...........


New Member
I BC'd!!!!!! It was supposedly in my school, although it didn't look like it. A former teacher of mine (Dr.M natural) was there guiding another teacher (Mrs.C natural) and I on BC'ing.. It was weird..Dr. M was timing us..I think it was lunch time... Mrs. C had finished her head and I still had the bottom of my head to do by the time Dr. M said time was up and that we had to go back to class..I ws so amazed at how beautiful my curls were! They were so shiny and soft! I was mad when she said it was time to go back to class and I asked if I could finish my hair and she said NO. I woke up in shock and sarted touchimg my hair only to realize that it was just a dream.:nono:

The End.

Definitely better than my nightmare where I RELAXED my hair @ 10 months post!!! BC I can live with but relaxing 10 months of growth :pullhair:

Thanks for the laughter, I needed that... How's your transition going?