
Active Member
I can't believe I forgot, the whole day I was like wait till I tell the ladies on LHCF :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:.

So the first day of school was this past Wenesday, Sept. 9th. That's the first day I wore my hair down to school in about a year. Last year October I got braids and kept them in until July on this year (of course I redid them every so often, and took care of my hair while in them). During that time everyone in school would ask when I would do another hair style (I had big kinky twists, with no curls or anything and a weaved bang). I'd tell them whenever I feel like it, and they'd assume my hair was short. My hair wasn't long but it wasn't short, it was about shoulder length. I didn't know I was "stretching", I was just tired of going to the salon, and spending my mom's money, I hate spending my parent's money on stuff like I weird?:perplexed:grin::perplexed IDK!

While in braids I took care of my hair moisturizing and sealing daily, cowashes, shampooing. During the summer I took care of it also, doing more experimenting. i didn't notice how healthy it had gotten because I always air dried. It wasn't until the day before school in the salon, people were complimenting me (especially the Dominican stylists).

So on the first day of school was the start of my junior year in HS(I'm 16 by the way),people were ooooo-ing and ahhhhh-ing, and asking questions. I don't know how I felt, I had mixed feelings, I felt good that people liked my hair, but then I felt like a walking museum :lachen::grin::lachen:. I got weave checked so many times, I know a lotta ladies DON'T like that, but I really didn't care, as long as they weren't rude about it. BOYS and GIRLS and my old TEACHERS asked, man I felt good. People told me it looked healthier, thicker AND LONGER. I didn't notice how long it had gotten because I air-dried so much and bunned during the summer, so I myself was surprised.

I kno :needpics:, but I really have no camera.

Sorry for the long story, but what I really wanna say is THANKS LHCF AND ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!!I feel like I'm accepting an
I am so proud of you little mama--I started on this hair journey around the age of 20.

AND you at 15/16--learning how to do your hair at your age, will save you so much time, energy, and drama!

You get an 'A' star bebe!

i started at the end of my 11th grade year..and it has dramatically improved since i graduated in june. just imagine what your hair will be lookin like by prom!
That is awesome sweetie ! :) im so happy for you . at your age so many girls start losing hair , havin no idea how to take care of it . im sure you will be the go to gal for hair advice, so get ready lol. congrats on the growth !
Awww!!! I'm so proud of you, and I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that you're starting on your HHJ so young, and that you're getting it right.
How sweet! You are so fortunate to have sought and found great hair advice so young! Keep on growing!