Omg i can't believe i'm doin' this.....


Well-Known Member
I made a fokti yall!!

I know how picky you girls can be about those fotkis (joke) LOL.

Please tell me what you think, if i need to change something or if it's off in some sort of way so i can fix it:blush:.

Some of the pics are already in LHCF's photo galleries, some are new.

no password needed - leave a comment if you've got a second or 2.
thanks so much sherry.

imma keep the dream that i can grow it out as long as yours! i'll be the little ole lady who keeps getting her braid caught in her walker LOL:D.
oh i feel love :D

thanx so much ladies for your kind comments (and for the macro hint sareca, will do), it really means alot (especially when the transitioning blues kick in ;))

jcoily, yes ma'am it's really filling in well now. first it was peach fuzz, then bone straight baby hairs and now it's fitting in with the rest of the neighborhood:)) - i'm just so greatful.
Your hair is so beautiful! Very full and thick. I love your braid and twist outs. I hope one day I can get mine to come out that good.
LynnieB said:
I made a fokti yall!!

I know how picky you girls can be about those fotkis (joke) LOL.

Please tell me what you think, if i need to change something or if it's off in some sort of way so i can fix it:blush:.

Some of the pics are already in LHCF's photo galleries, some are new.

no password needed - leave a comment if you've got a second or 2.

Lookin' good girl! Who cares what anybody has to say about your fotki-if they don't like it they can get the steppin!

Atleast you have the audacity to atleast put one up.:look:
LocksOfLuV said:
Lookin' good girl! Who cares what anybody has to say about your fotki-if they don't like it they can get the steppin!

Atleast you have the audacity to atleast put one up.:look:
:lachen: :lachen:
I am not gonna lie. At first I wasn't gonna come in here, due to the number of responses, but I am glad I did! The first thing I saw was your avatar. You GROW girl! I left you some comments/questions in your fotki.

Oh yeah, I am really looking forward to seeing you with a full head of natural hair! Seeing that you have thick relaxed hair, I can only imagine it natural. Girl, you gonna have to have someone holding you up at all times with all of that hair! :lol:
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oh ladies, i'm truly humbled here.

if you knew me in real life, i'd be the one quietly sitting in the corner.

each of you have really made me feel good today and i thank you so very much

OK I need yout twistout help. I think I am a butterfingers and need explicit directions...I know I know us newbie..please