OMG.... I BC'd!!!!


Well-Known Member
:blush: I did it today...... and I don't have pix yet cuz I did it myself and it's a lil to' back but I still like it and I"m so happy! :grin: I was actually going to get relaxed today but it just didn't feel right. I kept feeling this pull to just go natural. And even DH noticed. Earlier when we were watching tv, there was this girl on with thick long healthy 3b/3c is type of hair. And he says "I thought your hair was going to be like that." And I"m like :drunk: I said my hair is kinda like that. "And he said well why don't you just leave it alone and let it be." And I said "what, you don't think I should get it done?" And he said "well you really wanted to do it natural so you should do what makes you happy." :infatuated:

About an hour before my friend was supposed to come over and do my relaxer, I was just sitting down watching tv and thinking, do I really want to do this? I went to the bathroom and looked at all of my new growth, which I'd become very fond of lately. I came back out and said to DH "I think I'm getting cold feet." And he said, "then don't do it. You know you don't want to. Just keep doing what you are doing." So I called my friend and told her I changed my mind. She asked why, and I told her I really don't want to and I feel like I will regret it. And she said, well you should go with your gut. :yep:

So me and my gut went to my bathroom and began to chop away! :grin: I'll try to take a decent pic later today or if not I will post one after I get one fixed at the salon.
:blush: I did it today...... and I don't have pix yet cuz I did it myself and it's a lil to' back but I still like it and I"m so happy! :grin: I was actually going to get relaxed today but it just didn't feel right. I kept feeling this pull to just go natural. And even DH noticed. Earlier when we were watching tv, there was this girl on with thick long healthy 3b/3c is type of hair. And he says "I thought your hair was going to be like that." And I"m like :drunk: I said my hair is kinda like that. "And he said well why don't you just leave it alone and let it be." And I said "what, you don't think I should get it done?" And he said "well you really wanted to do it natural so you should do what makes you happy." :infatuated:

About an hour before my friend was supposed to come over and do my relaxer, I was just sitting down watching tv and thinking, do I really want to do this? I went to the bathroom and looked at all of my new growth, which I'd become very fond of lately. I came back out and said to DH "I think I'm getting cold feet." And he said, "then don't do it. You know you don't want to. Just keep doing what you are doing." So I called my friend and told her I changed my mind. She asked why, and I told her I really don't want to and I feel like I will regret it. And she said, well you should go with your gut. :yep:

So me and my gut went to my bathroom and began to chop away! :grin: I'll try to take a decent pic later today or if not I will post one after I get one fixed at the salon.

oh wow! Cant wait to see! I'm glad you went with what was really in your heart and your DH is supportive! congrats! :clap:
:blush: I did it today...... and I don't have pix yet cuz I did it myself and it's a lil to' back but I still like it and I"m so happy! :grin: I was actually going to get relaxed today but it just didn't feel right. I kept feeling this pull to just go natural. And even DH noticed. Earlier when we were watching tv, there was this girl on with thick long healthy 3b/3c is type of hair. And he says "I thought your hair was going to be like that." And I"m like :drunk: I said my hair is kinda like that. "And he said well why don't you just leave it alone and let it be." And I said "what, you don't think I should get it done?" And he said "well you really wanted to do it natural so you should do what makes you happy." :infatuated:

About an hour before my friend was supposed to come over and do my relaxer, I was just sitting down watching tv and thinking, do I really want to do this? I went to the bathroom and looked at all of my new growth, which I'd become very fond of lately. I came back out and said to DH "I think I'm getting cold feet." And he said, "then don't do it. You know you don't want to. Just keep doing what you are doing." So I called my friend and told her I changed my mind. She asked why, and I told her I really don't want to and I feel like I will regret it. And she said, well you should go with your gut. :yep:

So me and my gut went to my bathroom and began to chop away! :grin: I'll try to take a decent pic later today or if not I will post one after I get one fixed at the salon.

yay! good luck, and make sure to do a protein treatment (eggs, mayo, etc)to keep the frizzies away!
Thanks ladies... I am SO glad I have the support of hubby. Funny, he just NOW noticed I cut my hair and I did it hours ago! He was like oh, you cut your hair? Did Elaine do it or you or you went somewhere and did it?" I was like I did it before I left....:rolleyes::lachen: He said oh, so you can have just the curly parts and I was like yup.

I only transitioned for 5 months. 5 loooooooooonnng hard months! :yep:
Congrats, sweetie!!

Having a hair support system is wonderful and I'm glad that you went with your gut!! Enjoy your hair!