OMG!!! I Accidently CUT 6 INCHES OFF MY HAIR!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm so upset y'all....I'm freaking out.

ETA: Okay....this is the dumb thing I did. I got up this morning and did my hair. I shoulda just stayed in bed. I was doing my first rollerset in months and as I was combing out each piece I noticed that my ends were looking scraggly, despite doing my trim last month. So I decided to just dust off each piece after combing it out with my fine-toothed comb. I was so happy with my hair cause I was getting all of the scragglies out after not combing for a whole week, plus the trim was looking good. And noticed I was well past BSL when it seemed my growth had slowed way down. Well, I went to trim a piece all the way in the back at the bottom and had to bend over and hold it close to make sure I just snipped the very end. Well, if you can guess what happened, a piece of hair from the top of my head fell over into the scissors just as I was cutting and I whacked it right off. Of course I screamed like I had been stabbed and my kids came running and yelling mommy, mommy, mommy. My daughter was like OMG Mommy, I'm so sorry. My oldest son was like...I know how you feel (yeah right and your hair has never been longer than 1/4") and the youngest said...Wow, I didn't know your hair was THAT long. Well just cut it all to match that piece. I told that little boy to SAY NO TO DRUGS!!! Thank God for daughters!

I can't believe I did this ya'll. I just want to go back to bed and wake up again. The bad part is I was doing my hair for hair photos for a friend. What a stupid mistake!!! On the bright side, praise the Lord it was a chunk and not my whole head!!!

Thank you sisters for letting me cry on your shoulders. I will post pics and add to this post in a know my daughter ran for the camera......
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I hope it was just 1 piece and not straight across. I did that about 6months ago trying to do a finger coil on 1 piece I had to cut the comb out of my hair.

Now I can't even tell the difference it grew back real fast .
oh mama I hope it wes just a section and not all of your hair ,it has to be

I'm still feeling that 1/4 bottom half of the hair I burnt off, its growing at the roots, but its got a LOOONG way to go to catch all the way up. sigh

how in the world did this happen?
Where's the smilie drumming the fingers waiting for a response?

You haven't fainted have you?

Here ya go.
I'm waiting too. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :nono:
Okay....I went back and edited my first post and added the dumb thing I did. Thanks ladies for listening....
I'm so upset y'all....I'm freaking out.

ETA: Okay....this is the dumb thing I did. I got up this morning and did my hair. I shoulda just stayed in bed. I was doing my first rollerset in months and as I was combing out each piece I noticed that my ends were looking scraggly, despite doing my trim last month. So I decided to just dust off each piece after combing it out with my fine-toothed comb. I was so happy with my hair cause I was getting all of the scragglies out after not combing for a whole week, plus the trim was looking good. And noticed I was well past BSL when it seemed my growth had slowed way down. Well, I went to trim a piece all the way in the back at the bottom and had to bend over and hold it close to make sure I just snipped the very end. Well, if you can guess what happened, a piece of hair from the top of my head fell over into the scissors just as I was cutting and I whacked it right off. Of course I screamed like I had been stabbed and my kids came running and yelling mommy, mommy, mommy. My daughter was like OMG Mommy, I'm so sorry. My oldest son was like...I know how you feel (yeah right and your hair has never been longer than 1/4") and the youngest said...Wow, I didn't know your hair was THAT long. Well just cut it all to match that piece. I told that little boy to SAY NO TO DRUGS!!! Thank God for daughters!

I can't believe I did this ya'll. I just want to go back to bed and wake up again. The bad part is I was doing my hair for hair photos for a friend. What a stupid mistake!!! On the bright side, praise the Lord it was a chunk and not my whole head!!!

Thank you sisters for letting me cry on your shoulders. I will post pics and add to this post in a know my daughter ran for the camera......
whew thank god it was just a peice! lol@ say no to drugs :lachen:

ur gonna be ok girl, I know its disheartening nonetheless, but yes thats what I had to do too when I burnt that section off, I was real thankful it was only part of the section and not the whole section, frustrating still though :bighug: this too shall pass
Here ya go.
I'm waiting too. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :nono:

THAT'S Too cute!!! they got a smilie for everything :lachen:

ETA: "that little boy" least you still have your sense of humor and it was only a piece. You have good growing hair it'll be back down there in a minute.
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whew thank god it was just a peice! lol@ say no to drugs :lachen:

ur gonna be ok girl, I know its disheartening nonetheless, but yes thats what I had to do too when I burnt that section off, I was real thankful it was only part of the section and not the whole section, frustrating still though :bighug: this too shall pass

Thank you so much. You just think you will never do such careless things, but accidents happen. I just keep thinking how long it will take that piece to catch up...if I continue to let my hair grow...maybe 3-4 years. I'm so glad y'all really do understand. Man...:wallbash: