OMG!!! help I am soo afraid to ..........


New Member
BC . Alright I know its been a min but I've been all down now about my journey . My relax ends are now see thru and im transitioning. I was debating on it before but now I think thats my best bet now, but it's like I don't want to cut because I cut my hair last year and I cant stand to go short again. Ahhh!!! im just venting and confused about everything. Can i get some advice please???
Don't cut!!:ohwell:

You can nurture and baby your way to health, and then cut little bits, progressively:yep:
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You can trim little by little. And if you don't like the way your hair looks down or even with a bc you can always use a wig as an option
I'm having the same debate. IMO, if you are having the least amount of doubt about doing the BC, please wait. Like the other ladies said, maybe you could trim little by little if you are comfortable with that. That's what I plan to do if I go through with my transition. Good luck =)
Don't cut!!:ohwell:

You can nurture and baby your way to health, and then cut little bits,

Im doing that now and its like a pain to look at my hair. It doesnt look like my hair anymore
You can trim little by little. And if you don't like the way your hair looks down or even with a bc you can always use a wig as an option

Im wearing a wig now and Im getting tired of it. It's like when I wear it for too long my head feels suffocated

I'm having the same debate. IMO, if you are having the least amount of doubt about doing the BC, please wait. Like the other ladies said, maybe you could trim little by little if you are comfortable with that. That's what I plan to do if I go through with my transition. Good luck =)

Thanks girl and to the rest of you'll im just going to get braids not tight ones so I won't have to look at my hair:lachen:
If your in doubt i'd say wait awhile until you can sort out your feeling....but by reading your replies it seems like your ready LOL. The braids are a great idea, like you said at least you won't have to look at your hair:lachen: Good luck!
BC . Alright I know its been a min but I've been all down now about my journey . My relax ends are now see thru and im transitioning. I was debating on it before but now I think thats my best bet now, but it's like I don't want to cut because I cut my hair last year and I cant stand to go short again. Ahhh!!! im just venting and confused about everything. Can i get some advice please???

How long have you been transitioning?​
How many inches is your natural hair?
If you're afraid to BC then I would hold off on cutting your hair. Trust me you'll know when its time to do it.

BTW, when you do finally cut your hair it will be a very liberating feeling! Of course the next day you might be like OMG what did I do LOL
If your in doubt i'd say wait awhile until you can sort out your feeling....but by reading your replies it seems like your ready LOL. The braids are a great idea, like you said at least you won't have to look at your hair:lachen: Good luck!
i know that's my best bet right now. I feel like cutting my hands off cause I, always in my hair lol lol.

How long have you been transitioning?​

8 months girl!!!
How many inches is your natural hair?
If you're afraid to BC then I would hold off on cutting your hair. Trust me you'll know when its time to do it.

BTW, when you do finally cut your hair it will be a very liberating feeling! Of course the next day you might be like OMG what did I do LOL

my natural hair is four inches long!!! lol. I felt that way when I cut it ear lenght but cutiing it now will look way shorter !!
don't cry, it is going to get better i promise:yep:

Im doing that now and its like a pain to look at my hair. It doesnt look like my hair anymore

Im wearing a wig now and Im getting tired of it. It's like when I wear it for too long my head feels suffocated

Thanks girl and to the rest of you'll im just going to get braids not tight ones so I won't have to look at my hair:lachen:
Oh ok do you have an idea what your hair texture type is already? This pigtail thing is working for me to help resist the urge of chopping but I get to keep my hair covered up everyday with a doorag and cap even at work so I'm not sure if you can do that.​

the pigtail thing is cute but with the cap and doo reag I dont think I can do that at work they are mad strict lol lol. Also I'm already wearing a wig now and that is just suffocating.
Maybe you should get some braids so you won't have to deal with your hair right now. But I wouldnt transition 8 months and then throw all that down the drain.
I you're not ready, wait!!
I cut waaay before I was comfortable and I hated my hair.
It has grown a lot since i cut and now I love my hair.
I suggest you wait till you have enough to pull in to a pony.
The first time that I transitioned I BC at eight months and I couldn't even make a ponytail. I say give it some time.

I feel you on being scared to bc. I am about 22 wks in and I am no where near ready to cut yet.
you will know when it is time cause you will get this itch that wont go away. if you are scared, you're not there yet. i'll tell you what i tell other people...cut a liiiiiittle piece in the back -- once you see your natural hair spring up it will either excite you into BCing or make you want to wait some more.
I would not recommend that you BC. I thought about that long and hard and decided not to BC a few weeks ago. I was fed up with my hair (3 different textures - relaxed, texlaxed & natural). I ended up take off just a couple of inches (it's easier to comb through) but I can still do my normal pin up hair style.

I have about 4 inches of natural hair too and I know that I do not want to have such short hair. It's not even 4 inches when wet - only when dry & straightened.
Well I remember when I was transitioning thinking how thin my relaxed ends were and how pitiful they looked. I also just got tired of the war going on between nappy and straight on my head lol.

After I did it, I was devastated. I wasn't mentally transitioned. Now, however, I kind of wished I had cut a month or two sooner than what I did.

I said all that to say, sometimes even if you think you're ready, as I did, you're not ready (both deep down and on the surface). But life will go on if you do end up regreting it.