OMG! Good news! Good news!


Hi, all! I've been on my double whammy challenge. MTG and Surge use daily. I use both in the am and before bed. If that is overkill, my hair sure doesn't mind! My hair has now grown so much, that I can almost make a pony tail on both sides of my head. They're still a bit too short to show in public but I am loving my hair! I'm practicing my twists daily. I can almost show them in, well, not almost....soon.... :lol: The top has finally started catching up w/ the nape. I no longer am a victim of the no nape syndrome. I will hopefully have my pics by Saturday or Sunday. Just to show my progress. Even with shrinkage i can get a lil ponytail. I couldn't even get a lil pony in the back and now can almost do twin ponys! :woot: :yay: :clapping: :dance7: I am happy that I am progressing nicely!
Natrlchallenge said:
Hi, all! I've been on my double whammy challenge. MTG and Surge use daily. I use both in the am and before bed. If that is overkill, my hair sure doesn't mind! My hair has now grown so much, that I can almost make a pony tail on both sides of my head. They're still a bit too short to show in public but I am loving my hair! I'm practicing my twists daily. I can almost show them in, well, not almost....soon.... :lol: The top has finally started catching up w/ the nape. I no longer am a victim of the no nape syndrome. I will hopefully have my pics by Saturday or Sunday. Just to show my progress. Even with shrinkage i can get a lil ponytail. I couldn't even get a lil pony in the back and now can almost do twin ponys! :woot: :yay: :clapping: :dance7: I am happy that I am progressing nicely!

natrlchallenge dp you mind posting the regime that you follow w/surge & mtg? I am interested in doing mtg & surge and would love to know how you are doing it.
thanks in advance
It's so simple. I wash and condition 1 a weekj- the rest of the week is daily Cwing. The I use Mtg first, brush in and after spray in Surge and brush in. After, I do a mini scalp massage. I add my gel and scrunch n go. That is probably gonna change in the winter. That's all I do. My success is prob due to the daily rinsing and the double whammy challenge combined.
Natrlchallenge said:
It's so simple. I wash and condition 1 a weekj- the rest of the week is daily Cwing. The I use Mtg first, brush in and after spray in Surge and brush in. After, I do a mini scalp massage. I add my gel and scrunch n go. That is probably gonna change in the winter. That's all I do. My success is prob due to the daily rinsing and the double whammy challenge combined.

And you do this everyday?

Congrats on your progress... just remember what the warning on the MTG bottle says...
Natrlchallenge said:
It's so simple. I wash and condition 1 a weekj- the rest of the week is daily Cwing. The I use Mtg first, brush in and after spray in Surge and brush in. After, I do a mini scalp massage. I add my gel and scrunch n go. That is probably gonna change in the winter. That's all I do. My success is prob due to the daily rinsing and the double whammy challenge combined.

thanks natrlchallenge!
I've been doing this for so long with no adverse effects. If I do experience any irritation, all I have to do is wash it out my hair. I'm a daily washer, so there is no build up. Believe me, I'm being very cautious.
Natrlchallenge said:
I've been doing this for so long with no adverse effects. If I do experience any irritation, all I have to do is wash it out my hair. I'm a daily washer, so there is no build up. Believe me, I'm being very cautious.

Oh, okay... if you're washing every day, you should be fine...

Post pics when you can. I'm going to get relaxed tomorrow, so I'll have pics soon... hopefully.
tishee said:
blossssom what does the warning say? tia

On the bottle I'm looking at, the directions say to use MTG once a week for the mane/tail (hair). I could have sworn the last bottle I had said it was okay to use twice a week.

Nevertheless, the warning is if you use MTG more frequently than recommended, it may cause an adverse effect.

I've been using it twice a week without incident.
Blossssom said:
On the bottle I'm looking at, the directions say to use MTG once a week for the mane/tail (hair). I could have sworn the last bottle I had said it was okay to use twice a week.

Nevertheless, the warning is if you use MTG more frequently than recommended, it may cause an adverse effect.

I've been using it twice a week without incident.

thanks blossssom!
Yeah, it does say that, but that is prob only if u don't wash your hair. The instructions say not to wash it out, but I do this daily. This is why I only put Mtg on my hair and not my scalp. Everybody uses it differently. :) All I know is that it works! ;)
Natrlchallenge said:
Yeah, it does say that, but that is prob only if u don't wash your hair. The instructions say not to wash it out, but I do this daily. This is why I only put Mtg on my hair and not my scalp. Everybody uses it differently. :) All I know is that it works! ;)

I'm confused about how this works. How does this make your hair grow faster if it's on your hair and not stimulating your scalp? Is it making your hair more elastic?
I know alot of people here use it on their scalp, but I use it on my hair. I put Sulfur 8 on my scalp, and it took forever for the smell to go away. I wasn't doing that w/ Mtg. Besides, I still get the benefit of hair growth and I've gained extra thickness to my hair since doing this. I'm loving my results.