I just started using it in my braided hair and my ng is soooo soft. I can't keep my hands out of it. Question, what is the difference between the two condish?
This could very well be as good as an expensive namebrand, most of the time the prices go with the brand name only, not the actual product inside the bottle, just cause something is less expensive, does not mean its not a good product, its just less recognized, most companies take advantage of their name and uses that against us, in pricing, and most of the time we fall for it thinking that it must be good cause it cost so much, a lot of these high priced products don't work half as good as the cheaper ones.
I just started using it in my braided hair and my ng is soooo soft. I can't keep my hands out of it. Question, what is the difference between the two condish?

Aussie Moist is the regular conditioner and the Deeeeep 3 min moisture treatment is a moisturizing deep conditioner. Its all moisture, no protein. The 3 min reconstructor has the protein in it.
i have this and the reconstructor and havent used it. well i used the reconstructor and loved it but havent tried the moisture one. im thinking of doing a hard protein treatment this weekend and if i do i will follw with the deeeeeep 3 minute one.
Actually the Moisture Conditioner does have protein: Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein and Hydroyzed Wheat Starch! (I'm not quite sure about the starch don't quote me on that one.)
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Actually the Moisture Conditioner does have protein: Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein and Hydroyzed Wheat Starch! (I'm not quite sure about the starch don't quote me on that one.)

Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know that. Thanks... But, it's definitely not alot.
Just jumping in to co-sign. I fell in love with this stuff awhile back when I bought it for my hubby. It is the bomb!
I tried the 3 min deep and liked it for an instant condish. I have not DC with it yet. may have to pick up the regualr aussie moist
Actually the Moisture Conditioner does have protein: Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein and Hydroyzed Wheat Starch! (I'm not quite sure about the starch don't quote me on that one.)

If I'm not mistaken Hydrolyzed wheat protein is not a protein per se. It helps the hair take in and hold on to the moisture (or something like that) but it does not affect the hair like proteins in reconstructors. No clue about the starch one.
I didn't want to offer misinformation, so I did a little investigation, and these are also considered Proteins, I actually started a thread to find out from some of the other girls, so it is considered a protein conditioner, but very light Protein.
Oh my.... now here I was about to go straight home and instead I have to take a detour to target / Walmart - whichever parking lot looks less full. Wow.. Okay got my conditioner for my hair plant trial.
Mini-review on Aussie Deeep: I used last night. At first I was like it ain't gonna do nothing after I used a lot of protein. But it did ok. I left on for about 5 minutes with a plastic cap, 3 mins wouldn't be enough. My hair was not as soft as I like, but not bad. Suggestion to try: leave on longer than 5 mins. Will try again to see if I would re-buy. (4b, relaxed)
I tried this and it didn't work for me. I used it as instructed on the bottle though. I guess I'll try it again
I looooove Aussie Deeeep and Moist. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! HE Hello Hydration i tried for the first time today,and i think i may love it a lil more, its hard to beat my Aussie too!
CVS has aussie products on sale this week ladies! 2.99 AND you earn $1.00 reward bucks with purchase. Go check them out. I picked the 3 min deep, but will getting the moist condish on the way home.
This could very well be as good as an expensive namebrand, most of the time the prices go with the brand name only, not the actual product inside the bottle, just cause something is less expensive, does not mean its not a good product, its just less recognized, most companies take advantage of their name and uses that against us, in pricing, and most of the time we fall for it thinking that it must be good cause it cost so much, a lot of these high priced products don't work half as good as the cheaper ones.

Good point!
CVS has aussie products on sale this week ladies! 2.99 AND you earn $1.00 reward bucks with purchase. Go check them out. I picked the 3 min deep, but will getting the moist condish on the way home.

I just KNEW that I should've gone 1/4 mile to CVS. Walgreens has them 2 fo $7.
I love all of the Aussie products. My mom used to use the original on my hair when I was a kid, but the original scent makes you smell like a dog. I love love love Moist. I buy by the big bottles cause I use that on my daily washes and deep conditioner. Deep is good if you are using a lot of heat on your hair. If your hair looked fried b4 trying this, it won't after 1 use.

Has anyone tried the Cleanse and Mend line? I'm thinking about using the conditioner as a pre-poo if it cleanses and conditions.
I used aussie deeeeep last night. I wet my hair in while in my tub and put the condish on to just coat the strands. I can be heavy handed b/c I feel like I need a lot for it to really work but since I'm sort of getting cheap I can't afford to buy more products so I just coated. I sat with it on from like 515pm til 605pm and the last 15 minutes of that I sat under the dryer for a "deeper affect", I rinsed it out in a hurry to be at bible study on time (I was still late) and it felt alright I suppose. I threw on a wig after combing back. It dried overnight and this morning when I threw on my half wig for work it just seemed a bit on the dry side....I didn't have time to analyze but I will say that the feeling didn't stop me in my tracks so I'm guessing it didn't impress my hair all too much. It just dawned on me that the softest my hair has been during all my self hair care days is Pantene Pro-V, that stuff softened my hair and it feels like it was happy....I think I'm gonna buy some pantene tonight. ya'll keep an eye out for me b/c I may be giving away some product here soon.
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I just bought some yesterday from CVS.

For those of you have used it - are you still doing a deep condition with heat or are you just using the Aussie after your wash for the 3-5 mins?
Can someone post what this product looks like?

The only Aussie product I saw that might be it is a white bottle with 3 minutes on it but it said reconstructor. I associate reconstructor with a protein that wrong?