Olive Oil


New Member
When adding Olive Oil to conditioners, does it matter if it's EVOO or just regular OO, because I have some of both and wanted to add some to the conditioner that have only shown a mediocre performance to see if Olive Oil helps. Also, what is the fundamental difference between the two types?

Well I add olive to everything now. LOL.
I saw one of the girls on the Sharon O. Show and she was like she uses it on her skin
I'm not sure about the difference performance wise because I always buy EVOO. But the grading difference is based on which pressing it came from. EVOO is from the very first pressing of the olive. Then the olive is pressed again abd that gives you Virgin Olive oil. Then the next pressing gives you Olive Oil. I think there is one more pressing, but that's not called olive oil because they use solvents to remove it from the olive. Each subsequent pressing is considered a lower level of oil.
<font color="purple">I use EVOO to mix with other oils and to put into my conditioner. I agree with the post before me. All olive oils are not equal to the other. 100% EVOO is most used a lot in beauty products. When you shop around for olive oil, look for 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the label. Toodles </font>