Olive oil 'drying out' effect


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies

thought I'd share my thoughts with you on this product which I thought was a good natural product to prevent hair from drying.

i'm few months away from qualifying as midwife. and as usual I visit women in their homes, and check them and their babies over. We have always advised women to use olive oil for dry skin that babies tend to suffer from in the first few weeks of life. UNTILL today

apparently, we are no longer to advise olive oil to women for dry skin, as new research suggests that olive oil actually dries the skin out even further, because it has certain natural acids that can cause the fluid to escape from which ever part of your body you apply it to. So now, we have to advise women not to use olive oil. Either leave it (as it is natural in the first few weeks of life).

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, as an LHCF member :lol:?

I need to find this research and post it. If these acids in olive oil dry out skin, they could also dry out hair too! Hmmm. I shall report back with the findings

in the mean time I shall put away my expensive olive oil :lol: mind you I have been using it all my life since childhood
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I would definitely like to see the research on that. And if they suggested you not recommend olive oil what did they offer as a replacement? Anything?
I've read that you shouldn't use olive oils on newborn babies anyway.
I was using it as a moisturiser a few months ago and I love it, it didn't make my skin dry; however, I wasn't very fond of the smell. So I just switched to sweet almond oil.
I can attest to the drying properties of Olive Oil. I used it for a week and could not figure out why my hair felt dryer. I like it on my scalp though.
No wonder, that makes sense because I have been using it for a few weeks on my face at night and it just seems to be getting dryer and dryer. I just kept thinking " it should be getting better any time now". I might need to pick up some sweet almond oil or something else. What should we use to replace it?
I learned early in my HHJ that olive oil made my hair crispy! Crispy=dry!

It had the same effect on my hair - drier than the Sahara.

Sunflower oil would be a good substitute to use on babies and dry skin since it's light, rich in vitamins A & E, and non-comodegenic.
Olive Oil itself made my hair feel like paper. It was shiny though. I cant really describe it. Which is crazy since most AA hair products boast so much about Olive Oil in their product.
You know I was starting to blame olive oil. For my wash and goes most of the time I just use conditioner and seal with olive oil and sometimes aloe vera gel. My hair was feeling dry and I didn't know if it was the aloe vera or the olive oil.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse the typos.
Aw heck, I'm under the steamer now with olive oil mixed in the DC. This is the first time I've used EVOO on my head in a looonngg time. Hopefully the million other things in the mix will keep my hair from getting dry or hard. :ohwell:
:rofl: Oh, nooooooooooow they are coming out with this info? What happened to "Olive oil is the oil of the gods" and whatnot? :lachen:
Never had issues with olive oil and LOVE Lustrasilk olive oil cholesterol. I do prefer jojoba and coconut oil though
I don't use olive oil. I never have used it on my skin or hair. I'm happier using much lighter oils such as sweet almond oil or passion seed oil.
Isnt it just saying that OO is not a true sealant like vaseline or grease? It allows moisture to escape. I think it depends on what your regi is before determining rather to keep it or let it go.

If you cowash or rinse everyday than no need to remove OO but this just says some moisture will escape, right?
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I learned early in my HHJ that olive oil made my hair crispy! Crispy=dry!

I can attest to the drying properties of Olive Oil. I used it for a week and could not figure out why my hair felt dryer. I like it on my scalp though.

It had the same effect on my hair - drier than the Sahara.

Sunflower oil would be a good substitute to use on babies and dry skin since it's light, rich in vitamins A & E, and non-comodegenic.

Olive Oil itself made my hair feel like paper. It was shiny though. I cant really describe it. Which is crazy since most AA hair products boast so much about Olive Oil in their product.

Well, it makes sense! My hair HATED olive oil, it made my hair feel like straw.

Olive oil on my face: :yep:

Olive oil on my hair :nono:

Olive Oil makes my hair feel like hay.

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Wow. I just figured my hair didn't like olive oil. Now I know!

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I'm amused to find out so many people echo my sentiments. When I joined LHCF, using EVOO in hair was raved about. Putting it in conditioner was supposed to be da bomb. Neither worked for me. Turned my hair to straw and made me conclude oils are bad for my hair. This is why I've never even been interested in oil rinsing. All I think of is ending up with a brush for hair.

I remember using coconut oil on my hair as a kid and sitting out in the sun and my hair not being hard. But EVOO put me off oils so much that I haven't used coconut oil on my hair enough to know for sure how my hair reacts. I use coconut oil on my skin as moisturizer, and EVOO for oil cleansing. I haven't used EVOO to moisturize skin. I prefer how coconut oil feels.
Do you have a reference for the research OP?

I like olive oil on my skin. On my hair, it works well as a prepoo and is the only thing that will help me detangle my hair before I put any water on it. As I prepoo it turns my hair a little hard which I don't mind, but hair is prefectly fine after washing. Because of that hardening effect, I've never really like olive oil as a sealant. It will make my hair crispy.
I tried olive oil in my hair overnight and it made my hair hard. But if I prepoo with a warm towel and a heating cap for 20 minutes, it is perfect.
I agree I'm not a fan of EVOO alone but I have had some good results mixing it I'm my dc andiWork water in my spray bottle but I don't use it that often
1. because i prefer lighter oils like coconut and sweet almond and jojoba
2. Because I'm really lazy and I mostly just use my dc's straight up without adding anything :oops:
EVOO - works for me where CO makes for hard and extra crispy. :lachen:

I'd never use EVOO on a baby's sensitive skin though :look:

Different strokes for different folks, as always.