Oldie but Goodie...put this one in your notebooks girls!


New Member
I was going through my files and found our very own Addreinne's hair regime. I don't know if she's changed it since, but it got her to where she is, so you know it's good!

<font color="blue">Adrienne's haircare regime


In my opinion, these are the two most important rules to achieving your goals:

1. Find the products that are right for your hair, and stop switching to other stuff when someone recommends things.

2. Leave your hair alone as much as possible. This was more important than the first for me. I used to blow dry and curl mine twice a week. After I got braids and did nothing, that's when it grew. They're not for everybody, but if you can sport them, I highly recommend it.

My hair policy is "less is more"... less manipulation... less heat... less product switching... I put different stuff on my hair depending on how I’m wearing it. So I’ll list it separately. Basically, I’ve been washing my hair once a week. If my scalp is itching bad, I’ll either rinse and condition or wash again depending on why it's itching (dandruff vs. sweaty). My scalp is getting worse. So I’ve increased to twice a week so I can get braids again.


Wash with KeraCare Hydrating Detangling and prescription-strength Nizoral shampoo. I let the Nizoral sit for at least five minutes because of my problem scalp (psoriasis, I think). I now alternate between Elucence and KeraCare Hydrating Detangling shampoo.

Condition with KeraCare Humecto Cream conditioner. Every other week, I do a protein conditioning with Aubrey GPB.

Apply Kiehl’s leave-in and finger comb. Then spray with S-Curl No Drop Activator to comb into ponytail. I smooth it down with a mixture of 1/2 World of Curls Activator and 1/2 Let's Jam gel.

For the bun: I put Vaseline on my ends, and braid the hair. I tuck it under, wrap a baggie over it. Then I cover it with a cut-off stocking. I put the drawstring ponytail over the stocking and put two scrunchies around it.

Wrap head at night with silk or satin scarf.


Wash and condition same as above.

Apply Kiehl’s leave-in and finger comb. Then I work a small amount of Breakthru Heat Style Protecting Foam through my hair. I blow dry on a medium setting. Then I curl on 7 or 8 setting. I usually roll it as I go to get the hair out of my way. After I’m finished curling, and before I comb it, I ALWAYS spray some kind of sheen on (right now, it's KeraCare Silken Seal) and rub Avon Dry Ends Serum through it. Both of these products prevent breakage from static. The Avon stuff also smells great!

I usually wrap my hair every night, and use the Caruso rollers in the morning. I LOVE those things! I put both the KeraCare sheen and Avon Serum on before I comb it in the morning.

• Never on a schedule, only when needed.

• Dark &amp; Lovely No Lye every 4 months (i'll be changing this the next time i get a retouch, but not sure which yet).

VITAMINS (and why I take them):
• Central-Vite Multi Vitamin with Antioxidants (1/day)
- overall health

• Natrol Vegetal Silica, 400mg (1/day)
- hair growth rate, nail health

• Country Life Biotin, 5mg (1/day)
- hair growth rate, psoriasis, nail health

• TriMedica MSM, 1000mg (2-3/day)
- hair health, allergies, joint health

• Vitamin Shoppe Evening Primrose Oil, 1300mg (1/day)
- EFA, psoriasis, cholesterol

• Nature's Bounty Combo Vitamin C &amp; E (1/day)
- C (500mg): antioxidant, boosts immune system, aids vitamin absorption
- E (400IU): antioxidant, boost immune system

• Vitamin Shoppe Pantothenic Acid/B5 (1/day)
- hair thickness, growth rate, acne

I take all of the supplements at once first thing in the morning with my protein shake. I haven't experienced any discomfort from doing it this way. I also take the MSM during the course of the day. I think everything that I take benefits my body in other ways in addition to my hair.

I recently changed my vitamin regimen slightly because I didn't think the supplements I took specifically to increase my growth were working. I added the B5 and changed silica brands. So we'll see... That's about it.

I think that was one of the first things I ever printed when I first found this Forum. That Lady...That Queen...
That Adrienne...iz a real sweetheart...and so helpful and informative. I thank her and Cathy Howse for getting my hair on the right path. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks! I was looking for her regime the other day.

I think a lot of us need to do the first tip that she listed, including myself. My Inner PJ has been showing up!
She uses Affirm regular now I'm not 100% sure the vitamins haven't changed slightly /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've read this before several times when I have done searches! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I think I copied and pasted it somewhere on my computer! /images/graemlins/weird.gif
Her line is called "Precious Tresses".


She had the most beautiful, knot free, split free ends I have EVER seen. Plus, she was always so generous with her information and very helpful. I met her in person and we had lunch together. Her hair was gleaming and shiny and hung to her waist. Her hair was even more beautiful in person than in the photos. I learned how to do the baggie method from her and for the first time ever, I had pretty ends that were not weathered. The baggie method and vaseline were the missing keys to which she introduced me. Those keys, and her, all got me to waist length hair that was thick, with beautiful full ends.

I will always be grateful to her.
Her line is called "Precious Tresses".


She had the most beautiful, knot free, split free ends I have EVER seen. Plus, she was always so generous with her information and very helpful. I met her in person and we had lunch together. Her hair was gleaming and shiny and hung to her waist. Her hair was even more beautiful in person than in the photos. I learned how to do the baggie method from her and for the first time ever, I had pretty ends that were not weathered. The baggie method and vaseline were the missing keys to which she introduced me. Those keys, and her, all got me to waist length hair that was thick, with beautiful full ends.

I will always be grateful to her.

Do you spritz your ends with water, coat with Vaseline and add the shower caps?
Do you spritz your ends with water, coat with Vaseline and add the shower caps?

Short answer: No

Long answer is below!


Attached is the link to my Fokti that goes right to how I used the baggie method, with a step by step picture tutorial, that I did when I first came to LHCF and was inspired by her process. Take a quick look there and if things still aren't clear, please let me know.

Baggie/Vaseline Overview of Process:
  1. Washed hair
  2. Put in conditioner concoction
  3. Braided hair
  4. Slathered with vaseline (use Vaseline brand- it makes a difference!)
  5. Rolled up ends
  6. Put in baggie (plastic bag, not plastic cap)
  7. Left for 1 week
  8. Re-did hair

With the baggie method, I went from above bra-strap, dry, crunchy, hard, crispy hair to moist and shiny hip length hair in 2 years. This method may be able to help you get to waist length. (In the Fotki link, provided above, is the detailed description of the process accompanied by the questions people asked and the answers I gave, documented below the photo.)

Here's a photo collage I made of comparison photos. This shows my progress from when I started the process in Dec 2003 to my results I got in Nov 2005.

Why do I no longer do this process?

I want to grow my hair beyond tail bone length. I don't seem to be able to get to tailbone length and beyond with this particular method for "my" hair.

Progress Photos from: December 2003 to November 2005

Hair Fotki photo 2 year comparison.jpg

The Fotki link below has a blurb about the amount of inches gained and what was cut. Also, this link goes to the questions that people asked me about the photos and my answers.


Hey! @AbsyBlvd I thought you might like this post. Please let me know if I am bothering you and tell me if you want me to stop tagging you. I tag you when I think you may be interested.
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@Chicoro Thank you for posting more detailed information. Your hair is so beautiful :drool:

I want to start baggying my ends in a bun to see if it will hell with ssk's. I hate them so much.

You are welcome. I hope the information is helpful. Thank you for the compliment, too! Good luck with your process and keep us posted on your progress, please.
@Chicoro thank you so much!!! I will be doing this for the rest of the year. I'll let you know how it goes. You are such an inspiration I love your hair!!!!

Thank you! Good luck with your process, too. Feel free to tweak it to make it work for you. Also, keep us posted on your progress as well.
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@Chicoro I am never bothered by your tags. I missed this one too but was already reading and ready to 'like', when I saw your tag, so you are right in track with what interests me. Thank you:heart:.

If I can bear to put my hair away for a bun, I will definitely baggy my ends. Baggying works for me. I just need to find a cover method that doesn't look crazy. I may just use some fabric (like little Sikh boys I used to see as a child) because most hair additions (real or synthetic) don't match mine well in colour or texture.
Short answer: No

Long answer is below!


Attached is the link to my Fokti that goes right to how I used the baggie method, with a step by step picture tutorial, that I did when I first came to LHCF and was inspired by her process. Take a quick look there and if things still aren't clear, please let me know.

Baggie/Vaseline Overview of Process:
  1. Washed hair
  2. Put in conditioner concoction
  3. Braided hair
  4. Slathered with vaseline (use Vaseline brand- it makes a difference!)
  5. Rolled up ends
  6. Put in baggie (plastic bag, not plastic cap)
  7. Left for 1 week
  8. Re-did hair

With the baggie method, I went from above bra-strap, dry, crunchy, hard, crispy hair to moist and shiny hip length hair in 2 years. This method may be able to help you get to waist length. (In the Fotki link, provided above, is the detailed description of the process accompanied by the questions people asked and the answers I gave, documented below the photo.)

Here's a photo collage I made of comparison photos. This shows my progress from when I started the process in Dec 2003 to my results I got in Nov 2005.

Why do I no longer do this process?
I want to grow my hair beyond tail bone length. I don't seem to be able to get to tailbone length and beyond with this particular method for "my" hair.

Progress Photos from: December 2003 to November 2005
View attachment 395435

The Fotki link below has a blurb about the amount of inches gained and what was cut. Also, this link goes to the questions that people asked me about the photos and my answers.


Hey! @AbsyBlvd I thought you might like this post. Please let me know if I am bothering you and tell me if you want me to stop tagging you. I tag you when I think you may be interested.
I'm stealing this baggy routine @Chicoro. Hopefully I can stick with it at least till the end of the year or longer! I will be baggying under phony ponies though.