Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa Apologizes for "Good Hair" comment


Active Member
Hi ladies!

I was reading Essence Magazine online, and they have an article where Mr. Mustafa was quoted during an "E" interview that he wanted to make sure one of the things his woman has to have is "good hair."

When the woman interviewing him asked him what he meant by that comment, he stated his hair was "nappy" and he didn't want his child to come out with hair like his...smh!!!!

Here is the link below if you want to read the full interview.. For what it's worth, he did apologize..but do you think his apology was genuine? Or, was his apology damage control? Or both?

I think it's a case of damage control..what do ya"ll think?

Once that lady with pretty light skin and "good hair" marries YOU... Your nasty butt genes will probably screw up your kids' hair. Maybe you should just ADOPT some kids to keep your genes out of the picture.

Grrrrrrrr. I'm sorry but that negro's logic makes NO sense at all.

My daddy married a light skinned woman with "good hair." He ended up with two nappy head kids... JUST LIKE HIM. (Not saying he felt the same way this guy did.)
Hi ladies!

I was reading Essence Magazine online, and they have an article where Mr. Mustafa was quoted during an "E" interview that he wanted to make sure one of the things his woman has to have is "good hair."

When the woman interviewing him asked him what he meant by that comment, he stated his hair was "nappy" and he didn't want his child to come out with hair like his...smh!!!!

Here is the link below if you want to read the full interview.. For what it's worth, he did apologize..but do you think his apology was genuine? Or, was his apology damage control? Or both?

I think it's a case of damage control..what do ya"ll think?


He meant what he said, and he said what he means
Only little light skinned girls wit dat "gud" hurr can be his quains
Lady rider,

I know that's right!! You can't predict genetics, his statement was so goofy!! I couldn't believe he made that statement on t.v??

I know..my jaw dropped when I read the article.. I wouldn't normally post garbage like this, but if we as AA women are going to spend our money or time supporting t.v shows, actors, actresses or businesses, we should know who is supportive of who we are as women..we come in different shades, sizes and have different hair types and I guess I'm just annoyed at our own ignorance..
I bet his publicist told him to apologize. PUH-LEEZ!!!! Apologizing for what you feel in your heart is called LYING. Lying to yourself and lying to the public.
I bet his publicist told him to apologize. PUH-LEEZ!!!! Apologizing for what you feel in your heart is called LYING. Lying to yourself and lying to the public.

I agree with this. While it is upsetting to hear this from a black man, this was his opinion. People are sensitive to other people's comments and basically forced him to retract his statement. The longer I have been natural the more accepting I am of what people have to say. He could have said his comment a little differently and maybe it would not have yielded the same amount of fuss. Realistically, it is his opinion and I feel people shouldn't make it such a big deal especially if you are not with this man. You can't truly take anything back once it is said.
I still think he's a moron. I mean, does he live under a rock to just publicly come out his mouth like that? Was this some kind of stunt?

I'll never look at those commercials the same. :nono:
RIP funny old spice commercials
Once that lady with pretty light skin and "good hair" marries YOU... Your nasty butt genes will probably screw up your kids' hair. Maybe you should just ADOPT some kids to keep your genes out of the picture.

Grrrrrrrr. I'm sorry but that negro's logic makes NO sense at all.

My daddy married a light skinned woman with "good hair." He ended up with two nappy head kids... JUST LIKE HIM. (Not saying he felt the same way this guy did.)


Girl. One of my relatives is biracial and her black husband let it slip once that he married her partly because of her hair and how his kids would look, actin extra smug :rolleyes:. But yea.. his kids are all in the 4 range except for one of the boys. I guess he thought the superpower of "good hair" always defeats Negro hair foes smh... I can only laugh about this with yall :lol:
His opinion is his opinion. It wasn't that long ago that most of us thought only women with good hair could grow our hair long. Or that it had to be relaxed or pressed.

Not sure why we expect our men to be more enlightened than we are about our own hair.
Wow, I'm less surprised by his comment and more surprised he actually said that with a mic to his lips and someone recording the statement. Have people forgotten how to smile, say something polite and keep it moving? Sheesh.

Ps. I'm very glad I had no clue what 'good hair' was before I found this board.