OLAPLEX: Hair Game Changer?

Is there a reason why you were using it weekly? Was your hair breaking before you started using it weekly? Wouldn't using it with the relaxer alone be enough?

My hair was damaged from excessive demi permanent coloring and that was why I bought something to help me during times when I color my hair. I probably wouldn't use it so often.

I'm transitioning from texlaxed to natural so I have not had this experience. Sorry I couldn't help more but I believe that just slowing down on it's usage would have been enough. Once a month would have sufficed.

Also did you continue with your regular treatments even while using the Olaplex, ie, protein/moisturizing as needed? You may need to simply stop using it except during your actual relaxer application only.

I used it weekly because I didn't think it would cause harm. I did continue with moisture treatments and protein. My hair became very dry after protein treatment and I used steamer with moisturizing conditioners for 3 weeks. Now the texture is balanced, but I am still experiencing breakage. I stopped using Olaplex completely.

I have about 1 inch of new growth, followed by 3 inches of texlax (from the Olaplex) and then 7 to 8 inches of fully relaxed ends. I believe that the tex lax is causing the breakage. I am considering doing a full Olaplex, touchup with some Olaplex no 1 pulled through to tex lax area. I am scared out of my mind.
Thank you. I should have not tried something new. I think my lesson is to love and appreciate what I have. So heartbreaking. My hair was the longest and healthiest it has ever been in life before this error. If I'm not careful I could loose about 4 years of growth. I can't even go to my hairdresser with this error he will chew me out, like I already don't feel devastated.

How did you perform your relaxer ? You applied No 3 and layered the relaxer on top.
I used it weekly because I didn't think it would cause harm. I did continue with moisture treatments and protein. My hair became very dry after protein treatment and I used steamer with moisturizing conditioners for 3 weeks. Now the texture is balanced, but I am still experiencing breakage. I stopped using Olaplex completely.

I have about 1 inch of new growth, followed by 3 inches of texlax (from the Olaplex) and then 7 to 8 inches of fully relaxed ends. I believe that the tex lax is causing the breakage. I am considering doing a full Olaplex, touchup with some Olaplex no 1 pulled through to tex lax area. I am scared out of my mind.
I wouldnt use the olaplex mixed in your touchup if you are trying to matchup the texture of your ends. the results will be the same. unless you want to transition out of fully relaxed hair.
Thank you. I should have not tried something new. I think my lesson is to love and appreciate what I have. So heartbreaking. My hair was the longest and healthiest it has ever been in life before this error. If I'm not careful I could loose about 4 years of growth. I can't even go to my hairdresser with this error he will chew me out, like I already don't feel devastated.

How did you perform your relaxer ? You applied No 3 and layered the relaxer on top.
I applied no 3 all over my hair when I relaxed back in Feb and my hair came out so great! I relaxed again a week ago thinking I'd get even better results by adding no 1 and 2. I added no 1 to the relaxer using 1/8oz, midstep protein, nuetralized, did the standalone and conditioners. At first, I thought my hair was good and bc I opted for a flat twist out all week, butt when I washed my hair out last night, my roots look like a texlax. I will not ever but anything in my relaxer unless I decide I want to be texlaxed.
I faced my fears and performed a corrective relaxer today. I first performed a full stand alone olaplex treatment. Then I did a touch up relaxer for the last 7 minutes I pulled the relaxer down through the remaining 4 to 5 inches of reverted relaxed hair. Everything seems fine. I did a moisturizer after neutralizing the relaxer and it seems like I have my bone straight relaxed hair back !!! I didn't have to use the flat iron for the first time in 4 months. I think everything is going to be ok.
So I ordered the real No. 3 from Sephora the other day and took a whiff and it smells and applies just like the one I bought on eBay last year. I like the security of knowing that it's real though.

I still think my hair needs the full stand-alone treatment, but since I'm not sure how I'd get my hands on the real thing I'm just gonna carry on with the No.3 for now.
So I ordered the real No. 3 from Sephora the other day and took a whiff and it smells and applies just like the one I bought on eBay last year. I like the security of knowing that it's real though.

I still think my hair needs the full stand-alone treatment, but since I'm not sure how I'd get my hands on the real thing I'm just gonna carry on with the No.3 for now.
My hair likes no. 3 more than no. 2 even though no. 2 is the more concentrated version. No. 3 softens my hair a lot. But I don't know if it's a very temporary effect or a relatively lasting one.
So I ordered the real No. 3 from Sephora the other day and took a whiff and it smells and applies just like the one I bought on eBay last year. I like the security of knowing that it's real though.

I still think my hair needs the full stand-alone treatment, but since I'm not sure how I'd get my hands on the real thing I'm just gonna carry on with the No.3 for now.
I was able to buy 1 and 2 on groupon. I've read others have found on overstock.
I was able to buy 1 and 2 on groupon. I've read others have found on overstock.

Yeah but my thing is, how are you sure they're the real thing? I've never used the real one, so I wouldn't know how to identify the fakes. I know the smell, texture and feel of my hair with No.3 so I'd be more likely to risk buying that from those places, but No 1 & 2 I'm more reluctant.
Yeah but my thing is, how are you sure they're the real thing? I've never used the real one, so I wouldn't know how to identify the fakes. I know the smell, texture and feel of my hair with No.3 so I'd be more likely to risk buying that from those places, but No 1 & 2 I'm more reluctant.
its authentic. i took them over to my stylist. and they smell the same
I bought #3-5 through the Sephora sale at 20% this weekend. It costs $11 more total than using a CosmoProf account, but it was worth it because I got it on the ground to satisfy my need for instant gratification lol

I relax my hair, but I wouldn't say it's 'damaged' per se. I liked #3, loved #4, undecided about #5. I will say that I'll need to follow this with a moisturizing DC. I intentionally didn't do one to see how my hair would react and I had a few more shed hairs today than I normally experience post-wash.
I read somewhere that after you use this product your hair becomes kind of dependent on it. Like after you stop using it for a while the hair becomes dry and brittle or breaking again. Has anyone experienced this?
I read somewhere that after you use this product your hair becomes kind of dependent on it. Like after you stop using it for a while the hair becomes dry and brittle or breaking again. Has anyone experienced this?

Never had that experience, but then again I do regular protein treatments and am trying to nurse my hair back to health.

You sure their hair just wasn't beyond help in the first place? Olaplex can only create some bonds, it's can't guarantee that those bonds never break again. And if your hair is damaged and you keep damaging it....
Never had that experience, but then again I do regular protein treatments and am trying to nurse my hair back to health.

You sure their hair just wasn't beyond help in the first place? Olaplex can only create some bonds, it's can't guarantee that those bonds never break again. And if your hair is damaged and you keep damaging it....

Thanks for responding. I am not sure. I was just reading reviews and someone mentioned it. I have only read about people who are currently using it to repair or maintain while they get chemical treatments. I was looking to see experience after using it. Someone who used it to bring their hair back now no longer needs it.
Thanks for responding. I am not sure. I was just reading reviews and someone mentioned it. I have only read about people who are currently using it to repair or maintain while they get chemical treatments. I was looking to see experience after using it. Someone who used it to bring their hair back now no longer needs it.

Olaplex was a game changer when I was transitioning heat damage 3 years ago. I have several posts with pics that show the change and growth in my hair. I haven't used it consistently in over 2 years and I have not experienced any of the issues you described. My hair when damaged was BSB now I'm grazing HL. Hope that helps!
Olaplex was a game changer when I was transitioning heat damage 3 years ago. I have several posts with pics that show the change and growth in my hair. I haven't used it consistently in over 2 years and I have not experienced any of the issues you described. My hair when damaged was BSB now I'm grazing HL. Hope that helps!

Thank you! I think I read a few of your posts in my search... going back to find how you used it...
I just ordered the kit from Amazon. I made sure that it was sold directly by Amazon. I hope to get it Friday so that I can do the treatment with the sebastian clear cellophane that I also ordered. I read on the Olaplex site that it can be used with a gloss. I will be doing 1&2 and dc with Silicon Mix Pearl Protein. My hair is extremely porous. It is naturally porous and I have color and now it’s damaged.
I just ordered the kit from Amazon. I made sure that it was sold directly by Amazon. I hope to get it Friday so that I can do the treatment with the sebastian clear cellophane that I also ordered. I read on the Olaplex site that it can be used with a gloss. I will be doing 1&2 and dc with Silicon Mix Pearl Protein. My hair is extremely porous. It is naturally porous and I have color and now it’s damaged.
Is your hair relaxed @cheerrette? I learned from a Dominican hair stylist that Silicon Mix was made for and should only be used on relaxed hair and that it would break natural hair.

I wanted to purchase it from her store and she told me not to use it on my natural hair. Who knew? Sometimes we just don't know everything about every product and I am so happy she deterred me from buying them since my hair is natural. Additionally my hair is fine and definitely could not handle this treatment.
You're welcome and good luck, please feel free to ask me any questions as I will forever sing its praises!
Me too. I just love this stuff so much. It has been very good to my color treated (henna) hair. I have not been well the last 2 weeks but as soon as I feel 100% better, I will be using it.