Okay you guys get this!!!


New Member
I have to beautiful friends with beautiful hair. And they both bleach and color and highlight their hair. One looks like her hair is more like mine which is 3C/4A and the other is 4A/4B. Now I asked both of them, what do they do to their hair for it to grow so long.

4A/4B Is at Bra Strap and the 3C/4A used to be at Bra Strap but she recently cut her hair in layers. And then she had it cut again into shorter layers, but whatever the case is, her hair is still longer than mine in the back a lot longer. However they both have different theories on how you allow your hair to grow.

4A/4B Keeps her hair mosturized - since its been bleached and stuff, by using DooGro and keeps her hair well mosturized and washes it every 2 weeks, because she says that your hair has to get dirty to grow? I don't know??? I really don't know???

3C/4A Keeps her hair mosturized by going to Domincan hair salon every week and getting a Deep Conditioner each time because her hair has been bleached out all over, then a color, then highlights. Now mind you this girls hair was at Bra Strap until she got bored with it and cut it and color and highlight again. And when she gets it trimmed, which is approximately every six weeks, she says she only gets a little bit taken off. She also said that her hair did not start growing so long until she started going to the Dominican Salon.

Now, I love both of their hair and my mom is also another one w/ crazy hair. She blow drys and curls EVERY MORNING. And it grows like crazy all the time, and she cuts it and it grows right back in a matter of weeks. Now my hair, has a pretty decent growth rate, I must say, but sometimes Im so scared that it will break off and because I get bored very easily, Im always trying to find a new style to cut it into, but what I want most of all is to grow it to bra strap then start playing around w/ it. The other day I went to my fav hair salon Reactions and put a rinse - but it did not take. I thought it would take since my hair is dark/light brown. I don't know.

But, I do think my hair is growing, what do you guys think? The link for my fotki album is in my profile - and the password is dimples.

Check it out!!!!
Well I guess you can try keeping your hair regimine simple as possible and don't use heat styling appliances too often and keep your hair pinned up. You can also try deep conditioning once a month and try not to keep eyeballing your hair too often. If you do that, then it will seem like your hair is not growing. And most imporantly, eat a balanced meal. Good luck.
Hi Shari, don't have much advice but just wanted to say that your hair looks great after the trim, very healthy and shiny. Good luck with achieving your hair goals!
I don't think it's so much what they're doing to their hair but what you're not doing to your hair. Some people just have different growth rates depending on their regimen and diet. I truly believe that. The fact that your friend has colored her hair so often is amazing but she is smart to keep it moisturized. That is my first rule in hair growth. If it's not moisturized daily, it will either break off or not grow as fast. Keep in my that your hair will always grow, but it can grow faster if you drink lots of water, keep it moist, avoid heat, and avoid sugary, caffeinated foods...just my opinion. ;)
Hey neighbor!!! Your hair is growing nicely. I started fresh also. I got my big cut Jan 2005. I finally set up my fotki. My pw is in my profile. Happy growing.
I think it's all about the technique they use. My mom has beautiful hair and she uses curling irons every morning too! I've never seen her ends look awful, even after she blowdries her hair!

Washing once a week or more often and not using heat doesn't work for everyone.

Also, whatever you do to your hair has nothing to do with growth. Plus, how fast your hair grows also depends on genetics. Your hair is gonna grow no matter what. What you do to your hair should help you RETAIN that length that you grow.

Hope that helps! ;)

Btw, your hair looks nice and healthy!!! :yep:
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Thanks Guys for your response, and yes I do think I watch my hair a little to much, that is why I take photos every month, just to keep track of the progress otherwise, I would not know if my hair has grown or not. But the reason why I watch it so much, is to make sure that it is not breaking and if it does start breaking I want to catch it right away. So it does not break off like it did before, because today I found a picture when I was in High School and my hair was soooooo long, and I was like wow, look at that. Now I know what my boyfriend is talking about when he looks at my hair now and compares it to how it used to be before. But obviously I was not taking good care of it, so it broke off and plus I would always get bored and end up cutting it.

But now I feel like Im headed on the right track, thanks to you guys.

Super Grow Out Challenge
Dominican Challenge