Okay, tell me my (very) ends won't look like this when I relax?


New Member

I am entering 13 weeks post relaxer today. I am gonna relax this week it's just that I have been super lazy, I was supposed to do it last week.:cool:

Anyways, I cut my hair about 2 inches a few weeks ago, and why is it that my very ends (last 2 inches) look very uneven and kinda thin? Now when I cut them bad boys they were beautiful, granted I had a lot of newgrowth when I did it. I haven't used heat, baggied every day, no signs of unhealthy breakage, DC once a week, moisturize once (sometimes twice) a day, I mean I am doing everything right (for my hair).

Now I know that the shrinkage factor plus lots of nwegrowth makes you ends look thinner-this is true right? My hair is getting on my nerves-the shrinkage is making it look way shorter, my very ends look thin and uneven. SO says nothing is wrong with them, but he is just a man, what does he know:look: ....Please tell me that your ends do the same once you get really post relaxer?

PS: Once I relax I will update.
I think it's too soon to tell. It could just be that your strands are growing at different rates or maybe it's the shrinkage of being 13 weeks. From what you've said, you've been protecting and moisturizing them bad boys so i think you're fine. Relax your hair (and yourself!) and then take it from there.
LocksOfLuV said:

I am entering 13 weeks post relaxer today. I am gonna relax this week it's just that I have been super lazy, I was supposed to do it last week.:cool:

Anyways, I cut my hair about 2 inches a few weeks ago, and why is it that my very ends (last 2 inches) look very uneven and kinda thin? Now when I cut them bad boys they were beautiful, granted I had a lot of newgrowth when I did it. I haven't used heat, baggied every day, no signs of unhealthy breakage, DC once a week, moisturize once (sometimes twice) a day, I mean I am doing everything right (for my hair).

Now I know that the shrinkage factor plus lots of nwegrowth makes you ends look thinner-this is true right? My hair is getting on my nerves-the shrinkage is making it look way shorter, my very ends look thin and uneven. SO says nothing is wrong with them, but he is just a man, what does he know:look: ....Please tell me that your ends do the same once you get really post relaxer?

PS: Once I relax I will update.

Yes, it's true that your NG makes your ends look thinner! I had a touch-up last Thursday and my ends no longer looks thin! You should be okay!:)
Whew lawd, I was getting scared.

I treat them like my babies and I thought they were trying to repay me lol!

Thank you ladies!
MonaLisa said:
Wha???:confused: :lol:

I've been on da board...wha da heck girl?!

*Locks has been focusing on her ends...oblivious to all others...*:look:

No you ain't! You was gone, or maybe I have been dodging the hair board ( I need a relaxer, and I don't even like ot think about hair anymore lol)......

When I saw you on the ENT board wipping out the vaseline, I was rolling!:lachen:
LocksOfLuV said:

I am entering 13 weeks post relaxer today. I am gonna relax this week it's just that I have been super lazy, I was supposed to do it last week.:cool:

Anyways, I cut my hair about 2 inches a few weeks ago, and why is it that my very ends (last 2 inches) look very uneven and kinda thin? Now when I cut them bad boys they were beautiful, granted I had a lot of newgrowth when I did it. I haven't used heat, baggied every day, no signs of unhealthy breakage, DC once a week, moisturize once (sometimes twice) a day, I mean I am doing everything right (for my hair).

Now I know that the shrinkage factor plus lots of nwegrowth makes you ends look thinner-this is true right? My hair is getting on my nerves-the shrinkage is making it look way shorter, my very ends look thin and uneven. SO says nothing is wrong with them, but he is just a man, what does he know:look: ....Please tell me that your ends do the same once you get really post relaxer?

PS: Once I relax I will update.

1st, let me just say that it's definitely the new growth causing major shrinkage and making your ends look thinner.

2nd, I'm soooooooo glad you posted this. I just hit 5 months, and I've been looking at my ends thinking, "should I chop some more?" I don't want to chop yet because I would really like to make BSL this year, but I'm having serious doubts. Just nice to know someone else is freaking out too :lol: .
Forget the scissor happy stylists, we've got scissor happy members on here. LOL There are two approaches to the problem (or perception) of thin ends.

There's the Chicoro method. Check out her fotki album to see how she lets her hair grow out unevenly, then "catches up". Also, if you're mainly wearing protective styles, there may be no need to trim your ends more than twice a year or so I'd say. Once you reach your goal then you can really focus on keeping your ends even and thick.

Sistaslick's method entails dusting 1/8th-1/4th of an inch every few (2?) months or so. Her theory is that having the ends even means that no section is weakened by excess tension because it is longer than the rest. She explains it herself much better in the Thin ends after a year thread. Sista even gives illustrations in one of her posts.

From their respective albums, both methods work so the one you follow should be based on your tolerance for "thin" ends. I have high tolerance, can't cut my own hair, and am too cheap to have a stylist do my dusting so I'm taking the Chicoro approach. If you really have to have thick ends at all times, go ahead and trim, but in a controlled manner as described by Sistaslick. It's like being on a diet and you want some cookies - go ahead and have just one, once in a while, but don't eat the whole packet.

Good luck!
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