Okay, so who else thinks their hair photographs better than it looks in person???


hair bored
:lol: Cuz I know I'm not the only one! I just added a few more puff shots to my album, and when I was looking at the pics I thought, wow, my hair looks really pretty in these pics! But that is NOT what I see in the mirror every day! Even when I used to flat iron, I feel like my hair pics would come out a lot shinier and swingier than how it looks in person. It's almost like my hair is showing off for the camera! :Flahsssss Now I KNOW I'm not the only one, so come on, fess up! :sekret:
ayanapooh said:
:lol: Cuz I know I'm not the only one! I just added a few more puff shots to my album, and when I was looking at the pics I thought, wow, my hair looks really pretty in these pics! But that is NOT what I see in the mirror every day! Even when I used to flat iron, I feel like my hair pics would come out a lot shinier and swingier than how it looks in person. It's almost like my hair is showing off for the camera! :Flahsssss Now I KNOW I'm not the only one, so come on, fess up! :sekret:

I feel like that only in a few shots... :ohwell:
You don't see all that gorgeous hair when you look at it in the mirror? Your kidding right? Ok, were going to do a therapeutic exercise for this problem.....you ready? :hammer: :fishslap: :whip: :poke: :spank: I'm doing this for your own good....... :kiss:

Ok, now look in the mirror.....now do you see how awesome and gorgeous your hair is? :)
I feel the same way. I didn't post pictures for a long time. And then people started with the compliments. I STILL don't see what people are talking about. Even people around me compliment me on my hair and I just don't see what they are seeing.
ayanapooh said:
:lol: Cuz I know I'm not the only one! I just added a few more puff shots to my album, and when I was looking at the pics I thought, wow, my hair looks really pretty in these pics! But that is NOT what I see in the mirror every day! Even when I used to flat iron, I feel like my hair pics would come out a lot shinier and swingier than how it looks in person. It's almost like my hair is showing off for the camera! :Flahsssss Now I KNOW I'm not the only one, so come on, fess up! :sekret:

your hair (texture, color, & curls) is gorgeous in person, ayana. it looks good on pics too....

now, my hair does'nt look so good in pics BUT it looks good in person...go figure!
That happens to me too... my hair looks so silky and shiny in pictures.

I think that maybe it has a little to do with the lighting, but mostly we just don't realize that our hair looks great. It's funny :)
I sometimes feel this way but then again I see it as the camera caputuring something that my own eyes can't see. I love taking back shots of my hair because I never know how my hair truely looks until I can look at the snapshot.
Up until recently my hair looked totally different in pics than it did in person- its definitely thick but never was very curly or shiny. Now my hair does have shine in person but before I'd be shocked at how shiny it could look in pics when it looked nothing like that in person.

My relaxed hair definitely looked better in pics than I ever thought it looked in person- it was so thin and lifeless but my old pics don't tend to show that.


Ayana you do have some beautiful hair I'd have a hard time believing its not just as if not close to as pretty as it looks in pictures.
My hair looks better IN PERSON than in photos! :yep: I use a crappy camera phone for my photos and it makes my hair look duller and thinner than it really is, and it makes my head look even bigger than it is :rofl: and as if I'm looking in a spoon! :lol: There are a few photos in my album taken with my brother's digital camera. They give a closer idea of what me and my hair look like than my camera phone photos! :)
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My hair always looks shinier. When I do my hair, I'm always trying to apply whatever I can find to increase the shine. But I can say that since I've been using ORS carrot oil, it has more shine, but that's a different thread!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way! I thought I'd hear crickets chirping in this thread for a minute there! :look: :lol: I guess some of it is "hair anorexia" as we call it! :lol: My main problem is that my hair seems so short to me right now, although in pics it seems longer. It was like that when I was relaxed too. Who knows? Maybe we all need a little therapy... :spinning:
Poohbear said:
My hair looks better IN PERSON than in photos! :yep: I use a crappy camera phone for my photos and it makes my hair look duller and thinner than it really is, and it makes my head look even bigger than it is :rofl: and as if I'm looking in a spoon! :lol: There are a few photos in my album taken with my brother's digital camera. They give a closer idea of what me and my hair look like than my camera phone photos! :)

Me too!!! My hair looks like crap in the photos but it looks way better in person. LOL at phoobear and the spoon!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I guess I feel like my hair looks better in photos because I only take pictures when I have it "done". And I only have it done professionally once every three months when I go in for a touchup. :perplexed
I know what you mean...but I think you hair is really healthy.
The camera thing now...it shows the truth. So believe it....it is your lovely hair. It's like weight loss. You feel like you are not getting any where, but when you take a comparison shot picture you see the progress.
I think my hair looks better in pics that it does in person. I'm thinking it must be lighting and the angle the pic is showing the hair. My hair has those straight parts in the front and a lot of layers and that's all I see, to me in person it looks a hot mess. (where my pics capture back and side angles)
Mine looks better in pics, well not better, but the texture looks finer than it is. My pics made my hair look all curly, shiny and silky. I think it may be the flash. It has a definite curl pattern but its frizzy and wooly and the coils are firm 3c/4a not type a/b. My sister got all excited over my pics...I told her she better calm down cuz thats not what shes gonna see when she gets here.... :D
There are a few shots that make my hair look great and I have to ask is that my head of hair? THE FLSH WORKS WONDERS. However there are those shots where my hair looks just right, I aint mad, because it is not as curly or shiny I am just happy it's growing out long and healthy. :)
Ayeshia said:
Lol yes...but half of the shine I get is from the flash :rofl: Now that I do know.

:grin: ..lol

I think my hair looks better in person.