okay...now i have REALLY heard it all!

I would not recommend anyone (especially if you are A.A ) to put peanut butter in their hair on purpose! My 3 yr old did this and let me tell you it was hell!
:lachen: reminds me of some news report of a chic gettin attacked by bees at a baseballl game or somethin...she had coconut oil in here....

what would attack u with peanut butter in ur head?? :lachen:
deedabug said:
:lachen: reminds me of some news report of a chic gettin attacked by bees at a baseballl game or somethin...she had coconut oil in here....

what would attack u with peanut butter in ur head?? :lachen:

Stop it!! I use coconut oil. I'm scarred of bees. :cry2:
umm...i think we can all understand wanting our hair to look good but come on now thats a little extreme....

the only thing i can think of that even remotely compares to this is that some ladies on another forum put ky jelly in their hair to define the curl
a lot of girls at nc.com are doing this or thinking about it--even some AA girls. I posted I had some cashew butter i might try. i have a slight texturizer but my hair looks and acts natural still. don't think i'm too crazy, but I was thinking about using some (will start small first) as a hot oil treatment. the cashew butter is very thick and not gooey, more of a water-based mud feeling. the texture doesn't seem like it would be hard to get out. it seems like it would coat it. not doing this anytime soon, but if it works well, i'll let you know. :)

Yeah, then just use peanut oil Skrait up..

To me, that's where I draw the line. Eggs I can understand, milk, coconut milk and blah... But Peanut butter?.. :look:
I've heard of peanut butter being used to take out gum that is stuck in hair, but to make hair straight? I'm crazy enough to try it on a tiny section..:lol:
no..it works..its true..the peanuts are a natural oil that protects the hair from the eliments..the butter is a mousture locker that keeps the moisture in..peanut butter keeps the hair moist and emulisifies the elements to your greatest hair potential....

im kidding..
deedabug said:
:lachen: reminds me of some news report of a chic gettin attacked by bees at a baseballl game or somethin...she had coconut oil in here....

what would attack u with peanut butter in ur head?? :lachen:
Man, this makes me think... I need to re-think my honey hair moisturizer! Ain't trying to get attacked by Queen Bee!
cookie507 said:
umm...i think we can all understand wanting our hair to look good but come on now thats a little extreme....

the only thing i can think of that even remotely compares to this is that some ladies on another forum put ky jelly in their hair to define the curl

now that is funny. i tried that this weekend! have you looked at the ingredients in ky? glycerine and water (and some other unpronounceable stuff). didn't really help, didn't hurt either. just made my hair greasy. i felt a little horny afterwards, though. :)
swirl said:
now that is funny. i tried that this weekend! have you looked at the ingredients in ky? glycerine and water (and some other unpronounceable stuff). didn't really help, didn't hurt either. just made my hair greasy. i felt a little horny afterwards, though. :)

lol girl you are bold b/c that couldnt have been me! what else have you put in your hair?
cookie507 said:
lol girl you are bold b/c that couldnt have been me! what else have you put in your hair?

have you seen 'something about mary'? ;) just joking.

i don't make it habit of putting strange stuff in my hair. but when i saw the ingredients, i was like what the heck. i draw the line at peanut butter, though!
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
Now thats crazy! :lol: Whats next jelly as a good moisturizer?! :lachen:

Well actually, I tried grape jelly on my hair one time and boy was my hair soft and moisturized.

Don't sleep on the PB and J!

Just kididng! :lol: