Okay I dun seen it all on Youtube ......

I looked at his channel page. He does drag performances. He either shaves or has some magical way of hiding/covering his beard. It looks like he may have tried out for RuPaul's Drag Race (the season that's coming up)
Wth???? Reallly though. I guess do you honey but those eyebrows and the beard.....Ummmm..... Yeahhhhh.... NO!!
I think they call it pancake makeup lol. Seriously because it's so thick it covers up all facial hair. I kept getting flashbacks of Too Wong Foo and The Birdcage lol.
That makeup is pretty amazing because you cannot see any facial hair on his drag queen videos. Interesting! I wonder where they get that (pancake/stage makeup)?????
People talk to much in their "tutorials." Cooking, make up applications, hair. Just do it so I can see it. It does not take 12 minutes to show how to put on lipstick. I know they just want some fame but that's why I can't watch tutorials online.
i honestly thought he was going to leave, and come back fully made up, and without the facial hair. We just sat through 1 whole minute of looking at the leg of his pajama bottoms. which were actually cute.

he was working the wig though..
There are tons of drag queens who do hair/wig/makeup videos on YouTube. They've been there as long as the ladies. He needs to get a tripod.