Okay, Call Me Crazy


Well-Known Member
DH showed up with 1/2 dozen roses today and while I was appreciative and pleasantly surprised, I couldn't help but later lett my feminine neurosis begin to plauge me. I began to wonder what mischief he got into to warrant flowers "just because". Maybe he threw out one of my favorite knicknacks or bowls, or did he forget to do something I asked him to do, or did he cheat on me?!! Now, I've never been jealous or worried about him straying, but why when he turns up with gifts or does extra sweet things for me, my mind starts wandering like this? Luckily, I don't express all this to him, but why can't I just accept the fact that I have a nice and considerate husband (sometimes)? Lifetime t.v. is the devil, that channel will have you jumpin all around, sleeping with weapons, double checking the alarm system, second guessing everybody friend, foe, neighbor (I already have my eye on that "goth" kid down the block. Everytime something wierd goes down I look over at his house like, "He did it...") mailman/woman, everybody! I think I spent too many hours watching Lifetime this weekend.
What about you, are you able to accept gifts from your SO/DH w/o being suspicious?
I totally agree. The Lifetime channel will have you jacked up. Next thing you know you will be running background checks on yourself and thinking you have a split personality, and your baby that you gave up for adoption just sent you an email....

I suggest you regroup, enjoy the flowers, and watch HGTV instead.
Yes you're crazy. Stop watching lifetime lol. I love surprise gifts! My guy loves doing stuff like that and I really appreciate it. That's just him, no reason for me to be suspicious. I just let him do his thang :)
Or maybe he just got back from shooting hoops/playing a round of golf/a business trip with a group of men talking about their relationships (yea, men do it) and he realized how good he's got it with you! :yep:

I'm with Arrrbee...back away from the Lifetime! BACK AWAY!

I will gladly accept if he feels like giving. We can figure out why later!
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I thought more people would be able to relate to my situation on account of women being more perceptive, suspicious, and emotional in general. Yeah, I'm done with Lifetime for a while, but don't you find it interesting that "tv for women" would make us crazy, hormonal, raving, paranoid b*tches? I think I need to write them a letter, but I'm scared they'll send someone out to deal with dissenters....
That's disturbing that nowadays, a man cannot simply be nice to his wife without someone thinking he's done something wrong. This is highly dysfunctional thinking stemming from the ideal that men cannot genuinely be caring, loving and nurturing.

My SO loves to send flowers to my job, and and everytime he does this, everyone's like "oh you all must have argued last night" or "you must have laid it down in the bedroom to deserve those."

I just roll my eyes and simply respond "Nope...he just loves me...that's all" I get blank stares every time.

OP...You need to stop watching Lifetime. Believe me...I have to wean myself off of it. You also need to realize that you are worthy of gifts and tokens of love just because, not because the man has lied, cheated, or done something else. It's time for you to adopt a healthier way of thinking so get to work!
Yeah. DH does that kind of thing all of the time and I don't ever question his intentions because it's usually so random. As for Lifetime and LMN...yeah, those movies are a t.r.i.p.
I thinkit funny that the network "for women" is so geared towards modeling how to NOT trust those around you. What do you all think?
It's called the LIFEtime channel for a reason because I had an ex who brought me flowers on occasion and I later found out it pretty well coincided with when he was stepping. When I look back the signs were all there but I was young and dumb and didn't see them. If he's up to something there will be other signs.

That said, I remember your lovely wedding pics OP and your guy seems like a keeper!
That said, I remember your lovely wedding pics OP and your guy seems like a keeper!

I read the first few lines of your post OP and I thought wait, didn't she just get married? It's funny how you start to get to "know" posters. You need to step away from Lifetime, just like I need to stop watching Criminal Minds. You fill your mind with that stuff and that is all you think about in certain situations. By the time you are done, you are freaked out and paranoid because you just created your own lifetime episode with you in the starring role. Yes these things can happen and do happen in real life but I would prefer not to invite them into my experience by thinking about them too much.