Ok, Which UK Lady Have the Scoop????

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
On Anita Grant Natural products?

I just checked out this website:


and I saw some things that I would like to get, especially the oils...hmmmmmm....looks very good.

They are located in the UK, so come on ladies that live in the UK...have you been holding out on us in the USA? :D
I'm not holding out - honest!:)
The website and the products do look impressive. I have heard of her but I have yet to try her products.

We share the same last name - I wonder if she's family?????
I'm glad...LOL! Oh, if you try them, please let us know, ok?

Hey, she might be family,....and if so, you might get free products!!!
I have been using her products since she opened. For my hair, I use the following:

Rhassoul Condish - I use this monthly and it really leaves my hair feeling conditioned and nourished, this is one of the best products that I have ever used.

Whipped butter - leaves my hair soft and tangle free.

Organic Rose Buds & Petals - use this to make the rosewater for my spritz

Shampoo bar - This was amazing. Really left my hair feeling soft as if I had used conditioner. I am currently experiencing problems with my scalp suffering alot of buildup and not sure why. Once I get it sorted, I would like to go back to the shampoo bar

For my skin - I use the organic papaya oil for my face and the chocolate lippy pucker.
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I have been to her site and she has some pretty good looking products but her price is out of my budget because I am in the USA, but if I lived in the UK it would be on, but I can't see myself paying $26 for 2oz. of product on my budget. But if I could afford it I would buy it. Because she is a very nice lady with good quality products. I don't even want to try the samples because I know I will end up liking her products and I know I can't afford them LOL!! But my friend let me use a smidget and it smelt good and my hair was soft but that was as far as I went LOL!!!
NappyParadise said:
I have been to her site and she has some pretty good looking products but her price is out of my budget because I am in the USA, but if I lived in the UK it would be on, but I can't see myself paying $26 for 2oz. of product on my budget. But if I could afford it I would buy it. Because she is a very nice lady with good quality products. I don't even want to try the samples because I know I will end up liking her products and I know I can't afford them LOL!! But my friend let me use a smidget and it smelt good and my hair was soft but that was as far as I went LOL!!!

I just checked her site using the currency converter. The 3.5 oz whipped butter (Monoi Scented) for £8.55 comes to just over $17.

Currently she is offering free-shipping if you spend over £50, I took advantage of this on my last order but I am not sure if this is permanent offer.
Thanks RosalindB, that currence converter confuses me LOL!! I will never get it, so basically you should add like $9-$10 more? WOW free shipping over $50 that is a steal because shipping is what get people. I am sure it is not a permanent offer but that would be great, Hopefully it will still be on when I get paid.

I will go check out her site.
NappyParadise said:
Thanks RosalindB, that currence converter confuses me LOL!! I will never get it, so basically you should add like $9-$10 more? WOW free shipping over $50 that is a steal because shipping is what get people. I am sure it is not a permanent offer but that would be great, Hopefully it will still be on when I get paid.

I will go check out her site.

The exchange rate is approximately $1.9 to the £1. So a very rough guide would be for every £10 will equal $19.

Please note that it is free shipping if you spend £50. I know that on NP, alot of the US ladies order in bulk so they will order the Rhassoul Condish brick.

Also she offers samples click here
Thanks for posting that, Nice & Wavy.
I haven't seen it before. I think I'll be trying one of the whipped butters.

The do free worldwide postage over £50 ($100). That's pretty good!
Maybe you could get a few people together to make an order.

I never see US sites doing free worldwide postage. Last time I tried to buy a hair product from a US site they wanted to charge me about $50 to post a bottle of conditioner.
RainbowCurls said:
Thanks for posting that, Nice & Wavy.
I haven't seen it before. I think I'll be trying one of the whipped butters.

The do free worldwide postage over £50 ($100). That's pretty good!
Maybe you could get a few people together to make an order.

I never see US sites doing free worldwide postage. Last time I tried to buy a hair product from a US site they wanted to charge me about $50 to post a bottle of conditioner.

You are welcome, rainbowcurls
She also has a newsletter and the next one is due out tomorrow. If you want to subscribe or just review the previous newsletters, here is the link newsletter

She has also moved her blog to her website so it will have more of her recent entries, here is the link blog
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It seems that the biggest reviews from NP.com are for her shampoo bars (which always seems to be sold out or sell within hours of being posted), the Rhassoul Clay Conditioner and Whipped Butters.

I would love to try her products but they are expensive (to me). Like someone mentioned if you count each pound as about $2.00, the costs add up quick. I'm not exactly sure how much 4oz is, but when I look at how big my 8oz containers are, it doesn't seem like much product for $17-18 (withouth shipping). A joint purchase with free shipping does seem to be the best way to go. (cost-wise).

I do like how her products are all natural...free trade etc. and how she has lots of tips on her website of things you can make yourself. She has always been free with her information and she gets much respect from me for that. I also like how her site is very informative about the benefits of her ingredients. When I am making more money, I will probably splurge and try some of her products.
Nice & Wavy said:
On Anita Grant Natural products?

I just checked out this website:


and I saw some things that I would like to get, especially the oils...hmmmmmm....looks very good.

They are located in the UK, so come on ladies that live in the UK...have you been holding out on us in the USA? :D

I didn't like the sample pack I ordered. To be fair, I didn't give it that many tries before I just gave up on it.
Anita's products look delish. I go to her site a lot just to look and drool. The rhassoul deep conditioning cubes have been calling me for a long time. They look heavenly. The members at nappturality go into detailed reviews on her products and she's a member there too.
I just ordered some individual samples for my spring/summer twist outs. My order includes the rhassoul conditioner, whipped butter, and a couple of other things that I've forgotten already. Can't wait to try them out.
i twist my hair with her unrefined shea butter, and lemme tell ya, it makes my hair soooooo shiny, and my curls are so moisturized! but to be fair, her unrefined shea is the only unrefined shea i've tried, and i may buy another one before i head back to the states this time next month :cool: but um...if anybody knows of a company that has some fab whipped unrefined shea that i can get in america, let a sista know! :p