
New Member
since my hair HELL in dec '06 i've been using a shea butter creme texturizer instead of my normal just for me perm at the hairdresser because i was told that the process is less harsh and better for my hair as it isn't that coarse. but now im finding that when i wash after a week or two of my touch up, that the roots have a loose but very distinct coil. so much so that i have to flat iron the roots. i should also mention that i air dry and then flatiron minimully. so my mom noticed the texture of my hair and said that i should go back to perms. specifically, the OLIVE OIL one. is it okay to do that? and do u ladies think it's the best choice? also is the switch harmful to my hair, like will it cause it to fall out?

ALSO - my hairdresser said i have about 2 inches of damaged ends. i had really bad hair breakage in the middle, so sections of my hair are uneven and i dont know that the ends are damaged or if they appear damaged because the sections are not even. she told me TO CUT THE ENDS BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE MY HAIR GROW FASTER. is this true? i thought about a broken fingernail and how it wont grow properly and healthy unless you cut the broken part off. but i do alot to preserve my ends. should i cut them?
since my hair HELL in dec '06 i've been using a shea butter creme texturizer instead of my normal just for me perm at the hairdresser because i was told that the process is less harsh and better for my hair as it isn't that coarse. but now im finding that when i wash after a week or two of my touch up, that the roots have a loose but very distinct coil. so much so that i have to flat iron the roots. i should also mention that i air dry and then flatiron minimully. so my mom noticed the texture of my hair and said that i should go back to perms. specifically, the OLIVE OIL one. is it okay to do that? and do u ladies think it's the best choice? also is the switch harmful to my hair, like will it cause it to fall out?

ALSO - my hairdresser said i have about 2 inches of damaged ends. i had really bad hair breakage in the middle, so sections of my hair are uneven and i dont know that the ends are damaged or if they appear damaged because the sections are not even. she told me TO CUT THE ENDS BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE MY HAIR GROW FASTER. is this true? i thought about a broken fingernail and how it wont grow properly and healthy unless you cut the broken part off. but i do alot to preserve my ends. should i cut them?

that's a boldface lie. Split ends are controversial. Some believe if you don't cut them they will continue to split up the hair shaft and some don't. It's a matter of what you prefer. IMO, if my ends are not looking up to part, i prefer to cut them.
yeah. i figured my hair was growing as it normally does. i have the same amount of new growth about; an inch. thanx for ur input.
I'm not sure why you want to change relaxers. It's just not clear from your post. So I hope someone else will respond on that part, but as far as the uneven hair in your back middle....all I can tell you is what worked for me. I had natural hair and a stylist burnt off a chunk of hair so that it was half the length of the rest of my hair. Well I babied it and treated it tenderly and it never seemed to grow! Finally after about three months I went ahead and gave that section a trim, I cut off the charred ends and YES it was uneven from the rest of my hair, but since it was in the back middle I could hide it. Well now my entire head of hair is almost one length. That's one year later. I am very happy with my hair. That damaged section caught up with the rest!!
since my hair HELL in dec '06 i've been using a shea butter creme texturizer instead of my normal just for me perm at the hairdresser because i was told that the process is less harsh and better for my hair as it isn't that coarse. but now im finding that when i wash after a week or two of my touch up, that the roots have a loose but very distinct coil. so much so that i have to flat iron the roots. i should also mention that i air dry and then flatiron minimully. so my mom noticed the texture of my hair and said that i should go back to perms. specifically, the OLIVE OIL one. is it okay to do that? and do u ladies think it's the best choice? also is the switch harmful to my hair, like will it cause it to fall out?

ALSO - my hairdresser said i have about 2 inches of damaged ends. i had really bad hair breakage in the middle, so sections of my hair are uneven and i dont know that the ends are damaged or if they appear damaged because the sections are not even. she told me TO CUT THE ENDS BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE MY HAIR GROW FASTER. is this true? i thought about a broken fingernail and how it wont grow properly and healthy unless you cut the broken part off. but i do alot to preserve my ends. should i cut them?

  • it's okay 2 switch: many women love the Olive Oil relaxer: if u have fine hair: i say use a mild strength: medium: use a regular strength: and coarse use super.
  • false: cutting your ends has nothing to do with the scalp: it doesn't send a signal to your scalp that says grow.
  • if you want to cut them you can and start off w/ healthy ends and gain your 2 inches back: or do wat i'm doing > you can keep your ends and grow out 2 inches then have her cut off the bad ends later.
In the end: let us kno wat u decide to do
I'm not sure why you want to change relaxers. It's just not clear from your post. So I hope someone else will respond on that part, but as far as the uneven hair in your back middle....all I can tell you is what worked for me. I had natural hair and a stylist burnt off a chunk of hair so that it was half the length of the rest of my hair. Well I babied it and treated it tenderly and it never seemed to grow! Finally after about three months I went ahead and gave that section a trim, I cut off the charred ends and YES it was uneven from the rest of my hair, but since it was in the back middle I could hide it. Well now my entire head of hair is almost one length. That's one year later. I am very happy with my hair. That damaged section caught up with the rest!!

thanx for responding. to clear up ur confusion, i'm thinking of switching back to relaxers because my mom said that the texturizer isn't doing much for my hair. i think im noticing the same, but i can't tell because i wash my hair at home and let it airdry and then flatiron a little. i'm understanding what happened to the section of ur hair because virtually the same thing happened to me except that my section has been thriving and growing back just fine with no trimming. what she (the hairdresser) is telling me to cut are the other parts of my hair that are fine and i think she's telling me to cut it because she wants all of my hair to be even. i think she may be thinking that im wearing my hair down after i get my wrap, but i haven't worn my hair down since sept of last year. and let me tell u it's looking soooo much better right now!!!! it's thick and full and getttin so even. so im keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully by january ill be back to normal!
  • it's okay 2 switch: many women love the Olive Oil relaxer: if u have fine hair: i say use a mild strength: medium: use a regular strength: and coarse use super.
  • false: cutting your ends has nothing to do with the scalp: it doesn't send a signal to your scalp that says grow.
  • if you want to cut them you can and start off w/ healthy ends and gain your 2 inches back: or do wat i'm doing > you can keep your ends and grow out 2 inches then have her cut off the bad ends later.
In the end: let us kno wat u decide to do

i think im going to go to the salon and get my roots blown with the next wash and set and see how my hair holds up. if the roots still coil up like they do when i do my hair at home, then ill switch to olive oil relaxer. i have used it before and it did me justice. with the ends, ive been dusting little by little and i think ill leave a cut out of this and continue to take care of my ends until the dusting catches up with the growing and im all the way even. i'm pretty sure that if i let her cut the ends that i will regret it and feel entirely set back. my friends warned me that she's scissor happy and ive seen them come back with ridiculously blunt cuts and end paying for it for the next two seasons. thanks so much for ur help and for listening