ok so im convinced! i wanna henna!


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies! I've been reading every henna thread I could find on here and I really want to do it! Last week I went and purchased 1 box of reshma henna (200grams) and I wanted to also indigo and the lady handed me "black rose kali mehandi". I was so excited but when I got home I read the reviews on the black rose so its tucked in the back of the closet lol. I can't find indigo locally and I don't want to order from online. I'm going to make some phone calls to the indian markets in my surrounding area. But I'm very very antsy to do the henna treatment just so I can reap the benefits! Right now I'm in the process of growing out this bleached hair job I got lost summer. My hair is an orangish gold bronzey color. If I just use the henna with no indigo, what color will it turn my hair? If its darker I'm all for it but brighter? Heck no! Lol tia ladies
I am not an expert on the coloring effects of the henna on already colored hair. I do not have any color in my hair. I have done 2 treatments and will be doing my third next weekend. I do believe it will turn your hair brighter than it already is...probably the orangish gold would be pretty auburn/red. I know it turns my gray hairs red, but for the rest of my hair it is only an auburn glow and that is in direct light.

I also think it would be helpful for the ladies commenting if you were to post pics of your current hair color to get better opinions.

Hope this helps a little. If you do the henna, give an update with pics!!!!
Thankyou ctb! We must have been posting at the same time lol I can't post pics of my hair from my phone, it says uploads disabled for every site. I just want to tone this hair color down and do it safely. I look like the lion from the wiz lol I can deal with burgundy. I'd actually be happy with that. I read somewhere people use tea and I think spice to alter the color also. Can any1 shed some light on that?
C*C*Chick: if you just use henna it will only color your gray hair [that's if you have any] and it will make it a bright orangey/red. I have used henna and mixed several things with it for over 3 years. I love the results but lately I've noticed a orangy/tint to my hair which is probably because I'm almost 50 and have alot of gray hair so my next henna treatment, which is 3 weeks away I'm going to use henna and then indigo to bring it back to a natural black color. I'm sorry I don't know where you can buy henna except on line at www.hennaforhair.com. Good luck to you!!! I'm sure you will love it!