ok, So I hate my hair


New Member
So I think I am no full neck lenght heading toward my back??? not sure.

But I have been roller setting since I started her attempting to maintain the lenght. I am sick of my hair being sooo curly every day:nono:

I would love to wear it straight but I know the flat irons are not my friends. The rollers appear to be working I have not had a trim this year:grin:

I cant bun because hair not very long and I have no skills

Any words of wisdom for me?
So I think I am no full neck lenght heading toward my back??? not sure.

But I have been roller setting since I started her attempting to maintain the lenght. I am sick of my hair being sooo curly every day:nono:

I would love to wear it straight but I know the flat irons are not my friends. The rollers appear to be working I have not had a trim this year:grin:

I cant bun because hair not very long and I have no skills

Any words of wisdom for me?

Keep doing what is healthy in the long run girl....we all hate our hairs some days...I know i do.
Cheer Up! I am at a Grrr Faze right now, I feel like putting it up in a phony pony and only looking at it on wash days. Which is what I am going to do starting first day of Spring!!!
Moisture Block & flat ironing work for me. Healthy hair, no split ends. If I didn't roller set first, I'd have a mass of split ends. Another option could be wrapping your hair after roller setting with saran wrap.
Girl... Your hair looks great!! but i understand you on wanted to do somthing different...what i would suggest is flat ironing it then... doing PIN CURLS... this can usually keep your hair straight for up to two weeks or more... when i wear my pin curls, my hair looks different every day because it never comes out the same... the only manipulation is the taking down the curls and finger combing it. and make sure you put a tight scarf on at night, this will keep your hair straight.

and if you have NL hair then it should flow very nicely.... do this for a couple of weeks then go back to the rollersets until you reach your goal....
You have enough to do a phony pony.....That may be an option for you on the days that the curly look is just not cutting it for you. It looks good curly though. But I know how you feel.......Mine is ALWAYS straight. Won't hold a curl to save its life (even with a roller set I am flat within two hours)
I know how you feel. I cut seven inches and I regretted it, so I thought but when it started to grow back, it grew back healthier, thicker and fuller so now I don't regret it. I cut it from almost waist length to right below my shoulder blade - yeah...

I wore my hair in the cute curly style like yours, but I was aggressive with my measures to grow it back and it has grown back a lot. Right now, I'm grazing my bra strap. I've been very consistent w/ my vitamins, protective styling (donut bun) scalp massages, wash/conditioning, drinking lots of water and drinking the hair protein shake.

You have to be patient and that's something we don't want to hear but it's true. Don't stress because that makes it worse.

Hang in there and don't get discouraged, we're here for you.
Keep doing what is healthy in the long run girl....we all hate our hairs some days...I know i do.

I agree with this completely. I'd love to wear my hair straight more often, but I know the constant heat isn't good for me. Plus, my hair is fine so it's hard for me to attain volume.

I think that your hair looks great. Sometimes people on the outside looking in can see things that you can't. You should keep doing what is healthy for your hair b/c it'll thank you in the long run.
Chill girl! Everyone has bad hair days, that’s for sure. I second the phony pony idea, but if you must wear your hair straight then avoid the double heat (blowdry & flatiron), just try to air dry instead and then flatiron. If you are just bore of the same curly look, just try to spice it up a little, go buy some flowers (they are on style now), nice accessories, experiment with long earrings, buy new clothes and makeup. It's not all about the hair when you want to feel beautiful ;)
what about hair accessories, flower at the side, part at the side then use decorative hair pins to keep down, head bands :yep: just a thought
If you're full neck length you should be able to bun or make a small enough ponytail that you could attach a phony pony.

Also, why don't you just comb out your curls after your rollerset and then wrap your hair? or braid for a braid out?

You could also start doing pinned up styles with flexi8's, hairzing's, or just bobby pins. And there's definitely a thread around here about styles for neck length ladies.
Hey, Hot40 hang in there. We all go through a dry spell. Try to rollerwrap' saran wrap and yes, Moisture Block is really good. Soon your hair will be long enough to try a few other styles. Keep up with your reggie.

The cocktail is really helping me grow some thicker and longer hair, but I got really discouraged with my co-wash n'go bun, so now i'm doing a high bun...my nape grew long enough for me to catch it...(i hate those short nape hairs, I never had that issue before and it was getting to me). This is helping me alot, just that simple change in bun position gave me a little boost. I also picked up some hair accessories to mix it up a bit.

You'll be out of this phase quickly, trust. Just don't do anything drastic, you may regret it. Patience is our friend.
Trust me...I totally understand where you are coming from...which is why I'm hiding mine with a weave. It doesn't help coming here everyday and staring at gorgeous heads of hair.

Phony ponies, phony buns, bunning my hair with chopsticks, floral accessories, curly half wigs, straight half wigs, sew in weaves, full wigs, are shorties best friends (They work pretty well for the long haired women too ; )

A year from now when you're at APL, you'll look back on this time and say..."God I hate my APL hair! I want BSL now!"

Thanks all I have not idea how to put on a pony?????
I did wrap it last night after I roller set but still kid of curly
I just want to see it straight -- I guess in my mind I might fill like I have
achived some length -- another 2 inches and you will not hear a word from me.

I am set to get more color on Saturday -- I have not made up my mind about triming the ends -- they look ok so far, I dont think I have ever been this long since a trim

My last trim was Nov 08 --- yeah !
Trust me...I totally understand where you are coming from...which is why I'm hiding mine with a weave. It doesn't help coming here everyday and staring at gorgeous heads of hair.

Phony ponies, phony buns, bunning my hair with chopsticks, floral accessories, curly half wigs, straight half wigs, sew in weaves, full wigs, are shorties best friends (They work pretty well for the long haired women too ; )

A year from now when you're at APL, you'll look back on this time and say..."God I hate my APL hair! I want BSL now!"


I agree with you I dont come here as much
I am a hater for the first time in my life
Can't stand to see all this pretty hair while my hair looks a hot mess.

ok dont talk aobut BSL me me fill sick -- can't reach my back yet.
Moisture Block & flat ironing work for me. Healthy hair, no split ends. If I didn't roller set first, I'd have a mass of split ends. Another option could be wrapping your hair after roller setting with saran wrap.

i agree try the saran wrap tutorial i think you tube has it i can post link blocked at work:wallbash:

or you could put some leave in and and do like four to six french braids going back on air dried hair with very little oil or serum take down in the morning and either put on a head band or put half up in front half down it give the same wave as wet and wavy hair i have my hair like that now im at work so i cananot post picts
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I agree with you I dont come here as much
I am a hater for the first time in my life
Can't stand to see all this pretty hair while my hair looks a hot mess.

ok dont talk aobut BSL me me fill sick -- can't reach my back yet.

But you should look at it as inspiration. If you continue to do the right things, your hair will be just as beautiful. I need to take a dose of my own medicine because I'm constantly complaining that I want my hair to be APL like YESTERDAY! But it will happen! I'll even be your hair growing buddy if you want!

I was a little past SL but had a setback due to baggying wrong and now I'm back to grazing SL. I was really upset and was ready to throw in the towel but I'm sick of wearing weaves and paying all that money to wear weaves when I can grow my own. I love long hair and I will do what it takes to have it growing out of my own scalp.

What is your regimen? IF you want a hair buddy, I'll volunteer. Don't give up!
But you should look at it as inspiration. If you continue to do the right things, your hair will be just as beautiful. I need to take a dose of my own medicine because I'm constantly complaining that I want my hair to be APL like YESTERDAY! But it will happen! I'll even be your hair growing buddy if you want!

I was a little past SL but had a setback due to baggying wrong and now I'm back to grazing SL. I was really upset and was ready to throw in the towel but I'm sick of wearing weaves and paying all that money to wear weaves when I can grow my own. I love long hair and I will do what it takes to have it growing out of my own scalp.

What is your regimen? IF you want a hair buddy, I'll volunteer. Don't give up!

You are right I need to prey for pateince -- I have none.
Would love a new hair buddy Yes!