OK, since I started lurking...


Well-Known Member
I have been:

-Surfing the board constantly instead of doing other things I should be doing :look:
-Learning what on earth CW, EVOO, EVCO, WGO, HSR, CON meant!
-CO-washing like a maniac, and loving the results of softer, fuller, more moisturised hair :lick:
-Falling in love with you all cause ya'll are too funny!!:lachen:
-Buying up a whole lotta stuff in Juliets (UK ladies where you at?)
-Doing oil pulling, coffee rinsing, and a whole bunch of other stuff that made my family think I am :spinning: loco!

Now that I am a :newbie:

I would like to say HELLLLLO EVERYONE! Thank you for inspiring me, teaching me, and being so generally fabulous!
Hey pookiewah, Welcome. Am also a londoner and a newbie of a couple of months.
Join the club, have been hair crazy since joining this forum (cult!!), but its great fun as you are learning.
Hey pookiewah, Welcome. Am also a londoner and a newbie of a couple of months.
Join the club, have been hair crazy since joining this forum (cult!!), but its great fun as you are learning.

I don't know how we get anything else done, all I do is pop in and out of here all day!!! It'll be worth it tho. I'm natural, how about you?
On the east coast it is 7:09 am. That proves your thoughts exactly. Welcome. I think I'm still considered a newbie too. I told this girl in the salon the other day who is natural about the site and told her don't forget. I think she really needed help and hope she took my advice. I know once she gets the hang she would be happy with results.
welcome hun fellow newbie here and i agree this does take up a lot of my time im on here trying to find new info can i say addictive lol.

lhcf anonymous anyone lol
Thanks everyone! I already feel part of the family. Anybody got any tips for me? I posted another thread re my split ends...
I have been:

-Surfing the board constantly instead of doing other things I should be doing :look:
-Learning what on earth CW, EVOO, EVCO, WGO, HSR, CON meant!
-CO-washing like a maniac, and loving the results of softer, fuller, more moisturised hair :lick:
-Falling in love with you all cause ya'll are too funny!!:lachen:
-Buying up a whole lotta stuff in Juliets (UK ladies where you at?)
-Doing oil pulling, coffee rinsing, and a whole bunch of other stuff that made my family think I am :spinning: loco!

Now that I am a :newbie:

I would like to say HELLLLLO EVERYONE! Thank you for inspiring me, teaching me, and being so generally fabulous!

Hey pookiewah, Welcome. Am also a londoner and a newbie of a couple of months.
Join the club, have been hair crazy since joining this forum (cult!!), but its great fun as you are learning.

Welcome y'all !!!!!

:sekret: Now where u say u got ur stuff from?? lol :lachen:
Pookiwah, what a cute intro! Welcome!
Okay, former lurker, what the heck is HSR?

Watch out, 'cause this place is addictive!