OK LHCF ladies, I need you once again


New Member
I am probably at the most critical point in my hair care since earlier this year. My hair is in the best condition it's been since July/August when the breakage started.

My issue is this:

I need to know how to prepare for my upcoming relaxer touchup (due this weekend)

I need to know what you recommend for before, during and after a lye relaxer.
Give me the best you got, cause this next touch up could make or break me (and my hair:nono:).

I need advice on what to do and not to do before, what to apply to the relaxed ends, neutralizing, and styling afterwards, etc.

What I've been doing is:

placing some sort of pre foundation conditioner on the relaxed parts

putting vaseline on my edges and nape

neutralize for an hour after I'm done neutralizing

DC'ing for another hour (or sometimes overnight)

Usually CW the next day.

What I did this summer was heat style directly after relaxing, which was probably the biggest NO NO of the year. I did that because I thought that using water directly after a relaxer would cause the hair to revert.

This breakage experience has really taught me one thing : I really don't know as much as I thought I did!!!

So please! Help a sista out!!!:yep:
This is what I usually do

Before- the last wash before my relaxer I do a mild protein treatment
-protect previously relaxed hair with conditioner and castor oil\
- Base scalp


- After rinsing out relaxer, I use conditioner for atleast 10 minutes. I use motions silk protein, motions neutralizing conditioner, aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, ors replenishing pack....any of these
- I neutralize with neutralizing shampoo, lathering 2-3 times, letting suds sit for a couple of minutes.
- After rinsing shampoo out, I deep condition with heat for 20-30 minutes


- First wash afterwards, deep condition with something moisturizing
- Two weeks afterwards medium protein followed my moisture; motions cpr, aphogee 2 minute reconstructor...ones like these
This is what I usually do

Before- the last wash before my relaxer I do a mild protein treatment
-protect previously relaxed hair with conditioner and castor oil\
- Base scalp


- After rinsing out relaxer, I use conditioner for atleast 10 minutes. I use motions silk protein, motions neutralizing conditioner, aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, ors replenishing pack....any of these
- I neutralize with neutralizing shampoo, lathering 2-3 times, letting suds sit for a couple of minutes.
- After rinsing shampoo out, I deep condition with heat for 20-30 minutes


- First wash afterwards, deep condition with something moisturizing
- Two weeks afterwards medium protein followed my moisture; motions cpr, aphogee 2 minute reconstructor...ones like these

This is great and very helpful but what about styling? Should I hold off on the water for a couple of days, is it ok to heat style right after?
This is great and very helpful but what about styling? Should I hold off on the water for a couple of days, is it ok to heat style right after?

Off topic but I really like that style in your siggy....how would you achieve it? I know it looks simple but I cant tell how its done.:spinning:
i agree with the above...use a leave-in conditioner on the relaxed part and seal w/ castor oil. I just did this 2 weeks ago for my relaxer and it turned out great. my ends didn't get damaged at all.

i don't put water on my hair up to 1 week before my relaxed day. My styles are kept to a min. (usually ponytails). I don't usually wrap during that week either.
If you are going to do a heat style, then do a roller set. It is less damaging then putting direct heat on your hair, but everything gymfreak said was great.
My process is very similar to what Gym posted. I clarify when using the protein that wash day prior to relaxing as well. :yep: Oh, and also after I base my scalp, I always apply Chi Silk Infusion to the hair, then oil or grease to my ends (just the last inch or so)

I just wanted to add a tip in the neutralizing step you could try:

Normally to neutralize the hair I take gobs and gobs of Motions neutralizing shampoo and slather/smooth it through my hair, over-saturating it, like it's conditioner. Next I set a timer for 5 min, then rinse. Then I repeat. I don't lather or scrub/disturb the hair (the pH is changing and the bonds are resetting during this time)...Then I rinse again. Next, I get my Proclaim neutralizing shampoo (w/color alarm) and do a regular shampooing to check my work. I get no color residue. Works every time, and my hair stays straight and doesn't revert.
OK another semi dumb question:

How exactly do you base the scalp? I don't think what I've been doing is enough or right. My version of basing is putting vaseline on all part lines. That's about it. But then I wonder if the relaxer will be able do do it's job on the hair near where I "based".


Touch up due Sunday or Monday:perplexed
OK another semi dumb question:

How exactly do you base the scalp? I don't think what I've been doing is enough or right. My version of basing is putting vaseline on all part lines. That's about it. But then I wonder if the relaxer will be able do do it's job on the hair near where I "based".


Touch up due Sunday or Monday:perplexed

I base all up and though my head (like I'm greasing my scalp) and around the hairline and ears.