
Well-Known Member
since seeing Ajamrican diva's album , and her wonderful insprirational photo's, i am so syked that i am gonna try to stretch out my relaxer..im gonna try as long as i can...its gonna be rough as my hair gets really unruly after 5 weeks, but i ma gonna use that better braids spray to try and keep the growth softer.
I dunno what i am gonna do exactly, wether it be braids or buns, but whatever it is, im gonna keep it up!! no matter what..for the next 4 months...(except special occasions..ie..thnx giving, Xmas).
It is not gonna be easy, but after seeing such wonderful inspiration from my web friends here...i am sooo syked that i can get too BS length by next yr...healthy and thick...
I may need to call on u guys for help at times...lol...
I know it can be done!!thnx to the help from u guys...
I will be cheering you along the way
You can do it!!! I stretch out my relaxers all the time and it does make a huge difference in the health of your hair. Best of luck!!!!
You go girl. You can do it . My last relaxer was December 03... for someone who used to relax every 8 weeks it is a huge progress but what is helping me to manage it protectives syles like weaves bun and cornrows.
Good luck girl and let us know whenever you need some support..
U go (or shall I say GROW) girl!
I wish I could do the same, but it really does more harm than good on my hair bc the new growth is so course. I tried co washing more often, etc. but it only made me lose even more hair the more I handled it. Then when I finally did relax I had breakage at the crown at the new growth which sucked. I could only stretch it if I was wearing a weave and not handling it...

But Im with u on the protective styles. Im psyched too...Im all about taking my vitamins, protective styles, minimal heat, exercise, massaging my scalp..ALLLOFTHAT!!!!! hahaha
That's what I plan on doing, I'll be 10 weeks post next friday and I'm thinking about getting braids to stretch it longer.
yall, ima really need ur help, b/c i usually relax every 8 weeks and it has been really tuff for me to go longer than that...i need some product examples of what yall use to strech out relaxers...i also tend to sweat in my head also, and if anyone sweats in their scalp u know what i mean..my hair gets really tangled, even if i wash more often doing c/o washes, it still gets very tangled...so what products do u guys use to strech out ur realxer...i need all the tips u guys can give me...
thnx to all for the encouragment!!
i also noticed that when i had shorter hair, i hated to wear it out b/c of the lenghth, that is around the time i joined the forum and i started wearing prtective styles..i had chin length hair...
anyhoo..i wore buns for months, and one day i cut a bang and my hAIR HAD GROWN SO MUCH...i started wearing it out all the time..i got stupid ,and even when i wear my hair in a pony tail, i would let it hang, and the ends of my hair where dragging on my clothing...i started wearing wraps and letting the my poor hair drag against my cotton shirts ripping it to shreads..now i need trims more frequently b/c of this...when i was wearing protective styles my ends would stay looking bluntly cutt for months! even one of my friends asked me if i had just clipped my ends..and i hadnt clipped them in the longest...just another testament to prtective styles...no heat...not tryin to be cute with my hair out...