ok i wont be braiding again for a long time!!


Well-Known Member
i took my braids out and yes i did have alot of new growth and all but, i feel i lost alotta hair, and something really gross happned when i went to the hair salon for a wash...it was like my scalp was peeling.....all around the hair line, not dandruff but like these huge flakes of scalp
...im sorry to be gross...i wonder if it was from surging or the braids them selves....hmm i dunno...but the stylist had to rewash and like scartch the flakes out...i was embarassed, and totally grossed out..has this happned to any of you guys.....? i know one thing , i wont be braiding again......
Im sorry this happened to you. I have alway been scared of braids. The one and only time I had them back in 1993, too much of my hair came out, and I swore Id never put braids in my hair again and never did. I dont know what caused those flakes but you could try massaging your scalp with rosemary oil mixed with safflower oil, this works for me whenever I see flakes.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I have never experienced that peeling scalp thing so I'm not sure why you had it. As for the hair you lost, it probably was just shed hair that was stuck in the braids. Because you were not combing your hair but were shedding daily as is the norm, that hair just stayed caught in your braids for each of those days you had them in.

What was your regimen, apart from the Surge? How long did you have the braids in?
Who braided your hair? Was it a new braider? Was the hair lost more than you normally lose when you take out braids. It's normal to lose alot of dead hair. Were the braids initially too tight? Were there any bumps around the area that the had the flakes? How long had it been since you washed your hair/scalp? Have you used any gel? Have you had alot of new growth in that area? If there is tenderness or soreness than you may have had a reaction to a product. If there wasn't any bumps , scalp soreness or redness then it sounds like product build up on your scalp. Which is normal especially around the hairline, where alot product is placed there to either smooth or grow the area. I have had my whole scalp flaking after braids before and it was soooo gross. I had to wash it (with a brush and shampoo)several days in a row to get all that stuff off my scalp. I think it was a combination of an extemely dry scalp and product build up. I know how you feel. It's very scary and gross.
I normally do a hot oil treatment before braiding my hair to
help keep it from getting to dry.
I use to get white flakes when wearing braids but not after
I started applying Seabreeze to scalp every 3-4 days.
I made sure I sprayed my hair with braid spray and applied
oil to my scalp.
I think you probably just expereinced that healthy and substantial shedding that comes when you removed your braids. How does you hair appear now? Does it look okay? I always get nervous coming out of braids because I have to watch the hair fall. But after a good conditioning and styling, it usually looks fine.

Now about the flaking, it might be the Surge. I'm experiencing a strange scalp rash that I beleive is cused by Surge. I started a new thread on it. We shall soon see if others are experienceing similar problems.
I have been wearing my hair in braids since August, but I take them out every 2 weeks, and I have not had any flaking as a result of wearing braids. I think it may have something to do with the Surge. I read where someone said they noticed more flaking with the surge. However, the shedding after wearing braids is so normal. Like everyone has said, we shed hairs everyday, but when you wear braids you don't get rid of those hairs. Therefore, when you take your braids out, you will get some shedding. However, one thing you must be careful of, don't comb your hair after taking the braids out. I never comb. I always put in a oil mixed in a conditioner to loosen up the sections that had been braided with my fingers, then I go ahead and wash them. Again, I loosen up the sections with my fingers as I wash out the oil and old hair stuff.

I love my braids and I plan to keep then in until next summer. Of course, I do plan to continue taking them out every 2 weeks, leaving my hair down for a week, then putting them back in. Hopefully, sometime next summer I will relax it...if I don't care for it natural anymore.
biyanna said:
Who braided your hair? Was it a new braider? Was the hair lost more than you normally lose when you take out braids. It's normal to lose alot of dead hair. Were the braids initially too tight? Were there any bumps around the area that the had the flakes? How long had it been since you washed your hair/scalp? Have you used any gel? Have you had alot of new growth in that area? If there is tenderness or soreness than you may have had a reaction to a product. If there wasn't any bumps , scalp soreness or redness then it sounds like product build up on your scalp. Which is normal especially around the hairline, where alot product is placed there to either smooth or grow the area. I have had my whole scalp flaking after braids before and it was soooo gross. I had to wash it (with a brush and shampoo)several days in a row to get all that stuff off my scalp. I think it was a combination of an extemely dry scalp and product build up. I know how you feel. It's very scary and gross.

[/ QUOTE ] the lady who braided my hair is the owner of the shop and she has been there for 12 yrs
i dont think i lost any more than ususal, maybe i over reacted on that point but every shed hair coming out at once was a bit scary
the braids were firm, i would not say tight, and i did get a few bumps in the back around 2-3 braids.
it could have been product build up...i was surging 2x a day on my scalp only, and i washed 1x a week...but it was gross
it wouldnt have freaked me out if it was like normal "white" dandruff, but it was brown , the color of my scalp, and the flakes were huge, but now it is ok, cybra i wish i would not have comb my hair after wards but i did, i dont think i lost too much hair though...but enuff to keep me away for quite some time, the braid thinned out my temple area again as well...but after i get my relaxer next wek i will post new pics of my hair and i will see if any damage has taken place.....hopefully not......
Whew. This EXACT thing just happening to me. I've been wearing braids since August & gettting them redone every 2 weeks with no problems. I started using Surge about 2 months ago and in the last month when I've taken my braids down I've had that nasty peely brown scalp thing. It's definitely not dandruff, and I'm pretty sure it's due the Surge. I liked my results with Surge, but I think I might have to lay off it ...
Nonie and Cybra are right, Asumertyme. The shedding is likely nothing to worry about. You probably just lost the amount of hair that you would have lost but for the braids. As for the flaking, I dunno . . . I think Adrienne had problems with scalp flaking when she wore braids, too. Sorry to hear about your problem.
kerplunky wasnt it the most nastiest thing????i was so embarassed!!i felt like she was scaling a fish and i was it!!well im glad that is over.....
asummertyme said:
kerplunky wasnt it the most nastiest thing????i was so embarassed!!i felt like she was scaling a fish and i was it!!well im glad that is over.....

[/ QUOTE ]

You know! I was embarassed too.
I didn't even tell anybody 'cept my mama. I'm gonna keep Surging just wash my braids A LOT more.
I wore braids (cornrows) for approx 4 weeks in Nov and was using Surge & S-Curl more or less everyday. I also rinsed my scalp with water everyday. IMHO this relieved my scalp from bumps, itchiness, build-up etc as my braids just slipped out when it came to taking them out & I noticed I achieved significant growth.

I object, Your Honor. Asummertyme is using circumstancial evidence to put blame on my client (the braids).