
New Member
I'm sorry but they just are not doing it for me right now. I mean they work great on my hair but not now since I exercise 5x a week and use Boundless Tresses 7x a week! It's just a mess trying to prepoo. And i know what you're thinking..."Why don't you just co-wash or wash your hair more than once a week?" NOPE. I go to college and I'm happy that I can fit in the process of washing my hair properly once a week in. So from now on I'm clarifing once a week and alternating my deep conditioning with just Kenra MC one week and the next week Motions CPR then Kenra MC. How does this sound to you ladies? Is anyone else in the same boat as me?!?
i'm in college too...
i work out 4 - 5 days a week
i co wash every other day
and i pre-poo too...

but to each her own!

usually about 2 or 3 hours before i go to bed on wash night, i'll slap a moisturizing conditioner on, sit under the dryer for 45 minutes - an hour, wash my hair, then set my hair in wet pin curls and let it air dry.

i make the time, because i know my hair won't act right if i don't pre-poo before washing, and i can't stop cowashing, because i can really tell that it's helped the health of my hair.
I never knew anything about prepoos until I stumbled across this board. As long as I been going to the salon, which has been most of my life, my stylists never mentioned anything to me about prepoo (or conditioning washes) and my hair is navel length. :blush:

They always applied a simple regimen to my hair. Believe me, I have type 4 a/b hair, the most dryest and fragile--which my stylist reminds me of from time to time, and he's baffled that I have below the bra clasp or navel length hair.

From reading this board, I know some members put too much work into their hair; its not necessary and its overwhelming from my opinion. So don't follow the course that everyone else is. :nono: Just do what's best for you. Use a moisturizing shampoo, and add oil to it if you have to. Then add oils to your conditioner. Get a good detangler, use a hair oil and add oils to your pomade or whatever you use. That's the key: oil. Keep those ends moist and wear protective styles (ends up and out of the air).

If you don't want to tweak your products, order these items from www.hairoil.com. I endorse these products. Verifen Complex products save a lot of time, and they don't need "doctoring up;" in other words, you don't have to add any oil, honey, glycerin, shea butter, etc., or anything to them. Nor do you need to do a hot oil treatment, pre-shampoo treatment, conditioning wash, etc. Just use them straight from the bottle, jar, or canister. They're fabulous. :woot:
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If you don't want to tweak your products, order these items from www.hairoil.com. I endorse these products. Verifen Complex products save a lot of time, and they don't need "doctoring up;" in other words, you don't have to add any oil, honey, glycerin, shea butter, etc., or anything to them. Nor do you need to do a hot oil treatment, pre-shampoo treatment, conditioning wash, etc. Just use them straight from the bottle, jar, or canister. They're fabulous. :woot:

It's off topic but Verifen Complex are good products. I used to use them and was able to retain a lot of length. (I only stopped b/c of having to order them online). I still use the Constant Care for Ends and it is CRAZY GOOD!:yep:
I am in college and I will never pre poo. Too many steps IMO. I go home every weekend so I do my hair every Saturday. I just keep moisturizer, my scalp treatment, oil, and my scarf on campus. I also work out 5 days a week. I just throw it in a pony and work out. I leave it in a pony for an hour after I finish and then take it down.
I'm sorry but they just are not doing it for me right now. I mean they work great on my hair but not now since I exercise 5x a week and use Boundless Tresses 7x a week! It's just a mess trying to prepoo. And i know what you're thinking..."Why don't you just co-wash or wash your hair more than once a week?" NOPE. I go to college and I'm happy that I can fit in the process of washing my hair properly once a week in. So from now on I'm clarifing once a week and alternating my deep conditioning with just Kenra MC one week and the next week Motions CPR then Kenra MC. How does this sound to you ladies? Is anyone else in the same boat as me?!?
I wouldnt clarify weekly(maybe once a month), but the rest sounds good.
I wouldnt clarify weekly(maybe once a month), but the rest sounds good.

Do the rest of you guys think I shouldn't clarify once a week too? I mean I do use CON clarifying for the first lather and then CON Green label so my shampoos are still very moisturizing and sometimes I can just feel the sweat and salt deposits building up on my scalp and I just feel the need to clarify like every week :wallbash:. You guys think this is bad?
Do the rest of you guys think I shouldn't clarify once a week too? I mean I do use CON clarifying for the first lather and then CON Green label so my shampoos are still very moisturizing and sometimes I can just feel the sweat and salt deposits building up on my scalp and I just feel the need to clarify like every week :wallbash:. You guys think this is bad?

I wouldn't clarify once a week. I actually clarify probably less than a handful of times out of the year. But then again my hair isn't loaded with lots of product and the products I do use don't contain mineral oils, etc . . .
I clarify once a week and if I did not, my hair would have a fit. You really have to do what fits for YOU and your hair's needs.

Pre-poos too much? Kill it. Don't do them. If your hair rebels, find a compromise so you can fit them into your schedule.

Only you really know what is working and what is not based on the outcome you get.
Actually, when I first started a regimine I clarified once a week then followed with CON and my hair felt great. Afterward, I started jumping on every new regimine I read about and started prepooing, co washing, etc. and my hair started feeling coated and dry...it wasn't taking in the moisture the same way. A few days ago I did a major clarification with baking soda and acv and my hair is back to normal. So I think I'm going back to the clarifying once a week FIRST and then follow that with CON, protein, dc. I never had any issues when I clarified once a week.
Actually, I co-wash everyday and I am in college. I stopped pre-pooing, but i haven't notice any particular change that I can contribute to co-washing. I'm having breakage, but I assume it's from this over/under processed relaxer I have. I'm going to pre-poo this weekend and let you know If I notice a huge difference from days before. I think I kinda notcie a a little change, but I don't really know. I guess pre-pooing works because it' s an easy way to get protein first, moisture after. But, I don't pre-poo before a clarifying session.
PrettyBlackHair, I think the regimen you describe sounds like a good one. You may want to try clarifying every other week to start and see if that works enough without drying your hair out. Also, how long are you planning to deep condition each week? I found that I needed to do at least 20-30 minutes with heat but more than an hour with heat didn't benefit my hair.

Pre-pooing for me is usually just adding some Ojon or coconut oil or even olive oil to dry hair the night before I wash. So it isn't really bothersome or time consuming and I see a great benefit from doing it.

I tried pre-pooing with conditioners, sometimes going under heat and sometimes not. And found this to be much more time consuming, messy and difficult.
Im not sure about your conditioners, but I dont think that prepoos are necessary for a healthy hair regimen.

I believe that simplicity plus consistency is the key to healthy hair and if you are consistently deep conditioning then you should be fine.

I hardly ever prepoo and my hair is fine :rolleyes:
If you don't want to tweak your products, order these items from www.hairoil.com. I endorse these products. Verifen Complex products save a lot of time, and they don't need "doctoring up;" in other words, you don't have to add any oil, honey, glycerin, shea butter, etc., or anything to them. Nor do you need to do a hot oil treatment, pre-shampoo treatment, conditioning wash, etc. Just use them straight from the bottle, jar, or canister. They're fabulous. :woot:

I echo these sentiments. The Care for Ends is to die for. My ends look fabulous because of this product. I use it every other day and still use castor oil for my ends. I also love the detangling spray!!! :clapping:
But, I don't pre-poo before a clarifying session.

This is how I do, too. I clarify first if I have to, then if I want to do a protein treatment, I'll do that. Then wash and deep condition.

For my pre-poos, I use oils only. The Shikakai oil on my scalp only and Alma Oil on my hair with maybe coconut oil. I use a steam cap for about 30 minutes to an hour. I then either condition wash (2 or 3 times a week) or do my wash, deep condition on wash days (Sundays).
Thanks for the replies ladies!! I think I am going to go ahead and see how clarifying once a week does my hair. I don't this clarifying once a week will result in dry hair because I replenish both protein and moisture with every wash. Plus, your hair can only soak up but so much moisture and the rest will just sit on your hair and coat it aand make it dry :ohwell: