ok i am depressed


Everything is Energy
Now when I intially started on here..I used major heat on my hair.
I used a lot of heat when I had a perm years ago...and my hair grew.
it grew to bra strap length.
Now that I am older and stopped perming my hair has grown. but not to the length that I want.
I am trying to get past the bra strap in the back.
I have achieved growth so far with twists and buns. No heat...vitamins..
I actually slowed up on my vitamin intake and still got some growth. But I had to trim and lost it. (sigh) any tips cause I am not growing that much or is it me.???

wash and twist..deep condition once a month.
use leave in conditioner after wash.
coconut oil
Does anyone use any type of oil on that hair for scalp massages??

any ideas on how to get to my goal on waist length???
((((HUGS))))) mzlatisha. I would suggest that you be very very grateful about the length you have reached and just let go of the "extra" length you want for now, you know just say for now this is enough. Sometimes you just can't have more until you really appreciate and enjoy what you have. I would also suggest you deep condition more often perhaps twice a month or even weekly depending on how often you retwist. Please don't be depressed when you have gorgeous, healthy, natural, bra-strap length hair.
I'm sorry you're feeling down about your hair. I just looked at your album and I think your hair is beautiful I love the thickness. Sometimes when I feel like my hair is just not thriving I always look at my older pics and then I can see just how far I've come and that usually makes me feel better.
Be encouraged.
Thanks ladies...I guess you are right..I mean I am not sad about what I have I am sad about all of the steps I am taking to keep it looking nice and its really not growing..but like when I did major damage to it thats when it thrived.
I am like WHAT!!!
but I will pray about it..and thank god for what I have...:-)
thanks again.
You know I have also heard where women could grow longer hair when it was relaxed than natural, some people's hair may thrive (or at least show more length) with a relaxer and heat. No matter what your hair is just gorgeous, believe that!
hopeful said:
You know I have also heard where women could grow longer hair when it was relaxed than natural, some people's hair may thrive (or at least show more length) with a relaxer and heat. No matter what your hair is just gorgeous, believe that!
still doesnt make me wanna relax...lol