Ojon Ultra Hydrating Conditioner -- great on my natural hair!


Well-Known Member
Huge RAVE for this product! I tried this conditioner over the weekend and I loved it. My hair is soft and moisturized. I'm definitely a fan now, might try the shampoo too (soon as I use us some stuff in the PJ yard lol).

Anyone else use this??

Ojon Ultra Hydrating Conditioner:

It's $22 at Sephora -- which isn't bad for me. I only wash my hair about every two weeks so I'll have this bottle for a while.

I have a nice fro with tight corkscrew curls, definitely 4a/b. I have a lot of hair but thin strands -- the conditioner didn't weigh my hair down at all :)
I have used the Ojon restorative treatment in the past and I still have almost a full jar that hasn't been in rotation in awhile because I started trying out other oils like meadowfoam, jojoba, hemp seed and, currently, monoi and camellia, but it did right by my hair when I was using it. However, my hair hated the shampoo, conditioner, hydrating cream and paste. I don't know why. I returned the cream and paste to QVC, but the shampoo and conditioner are still in my linen closet.
I am a big Ojon fan. I don't like the paste though it leaves flakes in my hair. But I use the restorative treatment on my ends.
yeah, i have used that along with the shampoo and strengthening treatment. the only drawback i have is with the smell. i usually end up putting keracare humecto on afterwards to cover the smell. it is a great product and worth the money, i just dont like the coffee scent it leaves on my hair.
I didn't even notice the smell and I'm usually pretty sensitive to fragrance lol. I need to go home and smell it now.

But that restorative treatment is another story. I smelled like old cigarettes and coffee after using a sample :(
Okay I came home and smelled my conditioner. I remembered the smell then lol. It's pretty tame to me, just smells like your average body wash or something. It's not sickeningly sweet or anything.

So thumbs up for a nice fragrance from me!
Ojon is the bomb! The first time I used the Restorative treatment, my hair was soft, thick and I couldn't keep my hands out of it! I love the Ultra Hydrating shampoo and conditioner, too! Definite keepers! :D