Ojon Treatment- Daily Use


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone else using the Ojon Restorative Treatment daily. I love this stuff so much!!!:lick: I use it nightly on my scalp and a little more in the mornings before work as a leave-in and for shine!

If you already own this product, try it on your scalp...its amazing....it melts away new growth and makes your hair so soft and shiny with daily use!

Just had to give Ojon another shot out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin:
The PJ in me surged forward and I bought me some of this stuff this week.

Ya'll should have seen me up in Ulta. I almost body slammed some chick working there who got in my way and stopped right in front of m face-blocking my view of the store - with, "Can I help you?"

And then she had the nerve to not know what the product was or where it was located. She didn't know how close she came to being slammed against one of them aisles. J/K...sort of...

It took two passes in that hair section, but I found it. I didn't move from that aisle for 15 minutes. I saw no one, I heard nothing. I spoke to no one. I hoped no one would come over and stand next to me. They did not.

I was busy sniffing, rubbing, reading and having the Ojon experience.

I think it's a neat product. But it is their marketing that is quite clever and spectacular. I want to create a product and steal their marketing methodology. I haven't rushed out and bought something like this in a long time. Sigh...I thought my pjism was under control.

PS Somebody posted the ingredients on Amazon.com for the review for this product. She seemed like a well versed hair board member. I loved the review!

I like Ojon. The marketing made the product exciting for me. Yes, I am a sucker and a pj.
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Using it right now to press my hair. This is some seriously great stuff. My hair is getting smoooth as all hell.
I'm glad you ladies are having a wonderful experience with Ojon restorative treatment, unfortnately for me whenever I used it my hair started to break. And it was a shame because I really liked the shine I got from it. :(
I have the ojon hydrating shampoo and conditioner. I like the products but not the price. I may but it for my daughter and see how her hair can benefit. Right now I'm on the ayurvedic mode. It's cheaper and it works.
I really love the Ojon Restorative Treatment and the Ojon Conditioners. They smell amazing and my hair looks is so easy to comb after every use!
I am a HUGE fan of the Ojon Restorative Treatment. I use it as an overnight pre-poo treatment. I massage it into my scalp and then apply it to the lenght of my hair. I follow with the Ojon Tawaka Cleanser and Conditioner.

Even though I don't use it daily, it does seem to melt the new-growth away. It is always so soft after I've used it.

I use as a treatment before I cowash. I have the professional size which is definitely not cheap but since it's so concentrated I don't have to use a super large amount so I've had the same jar for the last 2 yrs with plenty to last me at least till I think January.
The PJ in me surged forward and I bought me some of this stuff this week.

Ya'll should have seen me up in Ulta. I almost body slammed some chick working there who got in my way and stopped right in front of m face-blocking my view of the store - with, "Can I help you?"

And then she had the nerve to not know what the product was or where it was located. She didn't know how close she came to being slammed against one of them aisles. J/K...sort of...

It took two passes in that hair section, but I found it. I didn't move from that aisle for 15 minutes. I saw no one, I heard nothing. I spoke to no one. I hoped no one would come over and stand next to me. They did not.

I was busy sniffing, rubbing, reading and having the Ojon experience.

I think it's a neat product. But it is their marketing that is quite clever and spectacular. I want to create a product and steal their marketing methodology. I haven't rushed out and bought something like this in a long time. Sigh...I thought my pjism was under control.

PS Somebody posted the ingredients on Amazon.com for the review for this product. She seemed like a well versed hair board member. I loved the review!

I like Ojon. The marketing made the product exciting for me. Yes, I am a sucker and a pj.

I, too, am a sucker and a PJ. Your post made me laugh out loud!!! :lachen::rofl::rofl:
I have it also:yep:
Fell in love after my first time using it!
I was using it as a daily leave-in for the longest.
I have braids now,so now i just rub it on my scalp instead of trying to rub it through my braids.
I really have to get a bigger size than the one i have right now:sad:
I like it for a prepoo, but my hair is too fine to use it for styling. It weighs it down and it loses it's bounce and swing.
be careful...cuz too much of a good thing ain't good. myself and a good friend of mine used to use it as a prepoo every weekend. at first we received excellent results but then after about 9 months, we both realized that it had actually melted the hair (too soft). don't keep it on too long for long periods of time because it will cause extreme damage to your hair:


Thanks for the warning.

I've been using it as a daily leave-in for awhile with no adverse effects. However my hair is hard to keep hydrated and soft, so maybe I'll be okay! But I will be sure to keep an eye out for any funny business! :yep: