Oily skin = Oily scalp?


Active Member
I was looking at my scalp today and noticed that it was shining. Then I ran my finger over my part and noticed oil on my finger. It could be the Surge Motion Lotion that I put on my hair last weekend but it made me wonder if I have an oily scalp. I do have oily skin right now. Do those of you with oily skin notice an oily scalp too? It is possible to have an oily scalp and dry hair.
I just realized that there is a similar thread that was just started....
For me, it's the other way around. Oily scalp/hair=oily skin (face). I have to be very careful of what I put on my hair or scalp, or I'll be walking looking like I applied heavy oil directly on my face.
I have oily skin and believe my scalp is oily as well because I've never needed to "oil" my scalp -- I just do scalp massages and that seems to be sufficient to lubricate my roots without adding anything else. . .

I also get a "shine" on my face several hours after washing and have to "blot" with tissue. Thank goodness I don't breakout anymore, just a nice "glow" these days! My Mother has oily skin and she's now in her 60s and not ONE wrinkle! When I use to complain about my "oily skin" she told me to be thankful as it will keep my skin nice and youthful for life. The older I get, the less I complain and the more I appreciate that oily glow . . .
I get that same oily glow everyday. I use those instant oil obsorbing sheets by Clean & Clear. Those work great!
Well your scalp is skin too.
So I figure I might actually have an oily scalp. I'm wonder how one deals with having an oily scalp but dry hair.
<font color="purple">You know, Neroli, my mother said this once, and she has oily/dry skin and not a wrinkle on her face at all (she's 57 years of age). This is what she said: "You should be blessed to have oily skin". We are so lucky that as you get older, you won't be wrinkled and dried up like a prune, but you'll look youthful and wise. </font>