Oily Scalps/Hair


New Member
For those of you who have naturally oily scalps (which causes the oil to descend further down the length of your hair), what do you use on your hair to keep it moisturized without weighing it down and making it look like you just poured an entire bottle of oil on your head?
Serums are staples in my regime. They give me shine and smoothness with no extraweight. My fav on dry hair is L'oreal Smooth Vive.

Otherwise, light moisturizers can also be good if you find the right brands...here are some I like in different price ranges.

Elasta QP Recovery (about $3-$4)
Frizz Ease Secret Weapon (roughly $6)
Phtyo 9. (about $18)

I find cone based products work well on oiler hair, because they don't add weight. Just make sure to clarify often - at least once a month.
My scalp is very oily. I love using serums (NTM) to keep my hair moisturized. I also use a little Kiehl’s Shine ‘N Lite Groom. Since my hair mainly gets moisturized through conditioning and leave-in conditioners, I don't have to use a whole lot of serum or moisturizer to keep my hair moisturized.